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Origen y destino del hombre

“Origin and Destiny of Man” by Julio Ozán Lavoisier
La Embajada de España en India y elInstituto Cervantes, tienen el placer de invitarles a la conferencia 

            “Origen y destino del hombre”
a cargo del filósofo Julio Ozán Lavoisier, eljueves 12 a las6:30 pm en la sala de conferencias del Instituto Cervantesen Nueva Delhi. La charla será seguida de la prouyeción de su documentla “The Hindu Tradition”
Embassy of Spain in India and Instituto Cervantes in New Delhi, have the pleasure to invite you to the talk by the philosopher,Julio Ozán Lavoisier on
on Thursday 12th at 6:30 pm at Instituto Cervantes in New Delhi (48, Hanuman Road). The talk will be followed by the screening of his documentary “The Hindu Tradition”.
Sinopsis: Antes que el desarrollo biológico del hombre, le interesa al autor investigar el origen de las facultades que lo definen como tal, en particular las Unitivas. Esto lo lleva a rastrear la aparición en la mente de la religión, de la moral y de las artes. De este modo hace una honda radiografía sobre el origen de nuestra conciencia expuesta a sus circunstancias internas y externas, es decir, al Universus que nos rodea. El filósofo presenta así su cosmovisión y expone el concepto de Conciencia Universal, idea cumbre de su sistema, pues tal como sostiene en sus páginas, “es en este marco universal que se desarrolla el drama del hombre mientras busca su Destino”. Las trabas del ego, los límites de la razón y el tipo de conocimiento que llama “unitivo” son tratados a la luz de las amenazas que se ciernen sobre el hombre, tales como la desertificación, la superpoblación, el calentamiento global y la esclerotización espiritual, moral y estética de que es testigo nuestra época. “El ansia de felicidad y libertad, que en nuestra especie es indiscutible, es compartida por las especies más desarrolladas. Puesto que la realización de esta experiencia constituye, sin lugar a dudas para quien la ha vivenciado, el máximo logro y goce en su existencia, podemos concluir diciendo que dicho proyecto común es necesario a todos los seres vivientes para realizar su destino”.(+)
Synopsis: Rather than the biological development of man, the author is interested in investigating the origin of the faculties that define him as such, especially the Unitive faculties. This leads to tracing the appearance of religion, moral and arts in the mind. Thus, a deep X-ray of the origin of our conscience exposed to its inner and outer circumstances, that is to say the Universus around us, is carried out. The philosopher presents his cosmopolitan vision and exposes the concept of Universal Conscience, paramount idea of his system, as according to what he asserts on these pages, “it is within this universal framework that the drama of man in search for his Destiny unfolds”. The obstacles of the ego, the boundaries of reason and the kind of knowledge called “unitive” are dealt with in the light of the menaces that haunt man, such as desertification, overpopulation, global warming and the spiritual, moral and esthetic sclerotization experienced in our times. “The eagerness for happiness and freedom, unquestionable in our species, is shared by the most highly developed species. Since for those who have attained it, this experience represents the highest achievement and enjoyment during their existence, we can conclude that such common project is necessary for all living beings in order to accomplish their destiny “. (+)
Talk in English
foto agenda15/11/2015
Auditorio, a las 4:30 p.m.Ciclo de cine boliviano: “Ukamau” (Así es) de Jorge Sanjinés
Sinopsis: En Ukamau (Así es), se cuenta la historia de dos hombres: el indio Andrés Mayta y el mestizo Rosendo Ramos, con la lucha del primero por vengarse de la violación de su esposa Sabina. De un inicio que muestra a Mayta en la Isla del Sol en el Titicaca, con un paisaje idílico que refleja la integración hombrenaturaleza, se pasa al conflicto con el mestizo Ramos, frecuentador de misas, pero adicto al alcohol. Todo este clima está permeado por la tensión psicológica representada por el temor que representa el sonido de la quena para Ramos. Al final llega el desenlace inevitable, en esta película que es también un experimento de las bases teóricas de Sanjinés: un cine nacionalista y que intenta tener una perspectiva más cercana al modo de pensar del indio. (+)
Bolivian Film Series: “Ukamau” (So is) by Jorge Sanjinés
Synopsis: In Ukamau (So is), the story is told of two men: the Indian and the mestizo Andrés Mayta and Rosendo Ramos, with the first fighting to avenge the rape of his wife Sabina. From the beginning showing Mayta in the Sun Island in Titicaca, with an idyllic landscape that reflects integration between man and nature, it is passed to conflict with the mestizo Ramos, frequenter of masses, but addicted to alcohol. This entire atmosphere is permeated by psychological stress represented by the fear that comes with the sound of the flute to Ramos. At the end comes the inevitable outcome, this film is an experiment of the theoretical basis of Sanjinés: a nationalist film and trying to get a closer to the Indian way of thinking perspective. (+)
With English subtitles
foto agenda17/11/2015
Auditorio, a las 7:30 p.m.Concierto de guitarra por : Piraí Vaca
Piraí Vaca es uno de los artistas bolivianos más reconocidos a nivel nacional e internacional. Portador de un mensaje de vida q sustenta la música que toca y que la hace trascender directo a los corazones, Piraí Vaca goza de una entrañable popularidad en su país. Por su mensaje implícito, su carisma, su técnica y la intensidad de sus interpretaciones, está considerado por la prensa internacional como uno de los guitarristas latinoamericanos más admirados. En el diario Washington Post se comenta “…impactó a la audiencia con su profunda musicalidad y control…”; en el Rhein Zeitung de Alemania se publica “… y sin temor a exagerar, podríamos decir que con Piraí Vaca tuvimos en el Festival de Música del Mosel a uno de los más sobresalientes guitarristas del mundo…” y recientemente en el Rheinische Post, también periódico alemán, se escribe “…técnicamente brillante, pero cómo definir al guitarrista? Difícil, porque este hombre demostró una emoción concentrada, conjuga carisma con musicalidad, espiritualidad con virtuosismo y profundidad con superficialidad… modesto y sencillo, pero pleno de confianza en sí mismo…”.
Nacido en Bolivia, Piraí Vaca estudió con Jesús Ortega en el Instituto Superior de Arte de La Habana, Cuba, donde obtuvo la Licenciatura en Música Especialidad Guitarra y un Post Grado sobre música Renacentista, adjudicándose el Premio al Graduado más Destacado del Año. Continuó sus estudios con Manuel Barrueco en USA y posteriormente con Hubert Käppel en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Colonia, Alemania. Ha grabado para Sony Music, Highland Records y Brasa, y galardonado con el Fellowship of the Americas, otorgado por el Centro John F. Kennedy para las Artes, así como con el Premio Nacional de Música de su país. Piraí es además creador y director de Guitarranga, así como del Festival y Concurso Internacional de Guitarra de La Paz.
Guitar concert by: Piraí Vaca
About the guitar player: Piraí Vaca is one of the best-known Bolivian artists at a national and international level. By means of his charisma on the stage, his technique, and his firm belief in the spiritual renewal role of music, he attracts attention as one of the most admired Latin American guitarists. The Washington Post had this to say of his performance: “…. he made an impact on the audience with his profound musicality and control ….”, and recently, the Rhein Zeitung newspaper in Germany commented: “…. and without fear of exaggerating, we could say that in Piraí Vaca we had, at the Mosel Music Festival, one of the most outstanding guitarists in the world….”
Born in Bolivia, Vaca studied with Jesús Ortega at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, Cuba, where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in music with a speciality in guitar and a Post-graduate degree in Renaissance Music, winning the prize for the most Outstanding Graduate of the Year. He continued his studies with Manuel Barrueco in the USA and, subsequently, with Hubert Käppel at the Superior Conservatory of Music in Cologne, Germany, the country in which he currently resides. He has been awarded by John F. Kennedy Arts Center in Washington and in his own country, he has received the National Award for Music. Sony Music, Highland Records and Brasa have produced his records. Piraí is also the founder and director of the La Paz International Guitar Festival and Contest.
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Dear friend
Like everyone here at Burma Campaign UK, you must have seen in the media the wonderful scenes of celebration at the headquarters of Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy (NLD). As election results started coming in, it became clear the NLD were likely to win a big majority.
Some media reports have gone so far as to say Burma’s struggle for freedom is over, that democracy has arrived. That’s exactly the impression the generals want to give.
A military drafted constitution means that the NLD government will face lots of limits on its powers, and the people of Burma are going to continue to need our support to win their real freedom.
As our Campaigns Manager Zoya Phan said in an article in The Independent newspaper today:
I know the NLD government will be able to make many positive changes in my country, and this is really good news. At the same time however, deep down I know the military hasn’t completely handed over power. An NLD government is going to face many challenges because the army has inserted lots of clauses into the constitution to limit its power. This is designed to restrict the freedom of the NLD government to make big changes to the country. The impression that everything is now OK makes me very worried for the future. This isn’t the end of our long struggle. It’s the start of a new phase of that struggle, and the military are as determined as ever not to give up control. Celebrate an NLD victory today, but tomorrow, we still need your support.
Voters queue in Rangoon
Voters queue at a polling station in Rangoon.
Our Director, Mark Farmaner, has written an article for theHuffington Post which details all the tricks the military have used to try to keep their grubby fingers on the levers of power, and shows why international support will still be desperately needed. You can read it here.
There is no doubt that Burma would not have got this far without the sacrifices so many people in the country have made for freedom, and without the international support they have received. International pressure has played a key role in supporting Burma’s democracy movement. That support is still needed for the next phase of the struggle, so please make a donation today to support our work.
Thank you.
Anna Roberts
Executive Director
PS. In the UK we wouldn’t accept the head of the British Army appointing the Home Secretary and Defence Minister or the military setting their own budget, starving hospitals and schools of funds.Make a donation today to help bring genuine democracy to Burma.Thank you.

Jairam Ramesh ‘I Am Think Tank of Congress’ or Septic Tank
November11, 2015 (C) Ravinder Singh

Jairam Ramesh who believes he is think tank of Congress and Sam Pitroda are two Rasputins who destroyed Congress & India. They are making a fool of Rahul Gandhi, Sam Pitroda for three decades.
As per the latest Telecom report available Delhi has 49.3m Telephone Lines – more than 12 per household. Sam Pitroda is EXTREME DULLARD –was filing BOGUS Patents to Impress Rajiv Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.

He takes Credits for PCO when actually USA had ‘Un-Manned PCOs’ at every Bus Stop or Public Places like Banks, Airports, Hospitals, Stations etc in 1970s. He actually made it MANUAL PCOs, pay cash for calls made required Office, Electricity to Operate, Cost Much More than Own Connection.
Can he explain why do we need 12 Telephone Connections Per Household? I remember Reliance WLL service in 2004 worked perfectly even in remote hills, today with so much INVESTMENTS Call Drops and Quality of Voice is Pathetic even in South Delhi. He failed to PREVENT CALL RE-ROUTING.

And almost all of them are IMPORTED HANDSETS & EXCHANGES, even locally made phones have less than 10% value additions.

Jairam takes credit for 2004 win which was Third Class Accidental Success – 145 seats out of 543 was entirely due to BJP’s total bungling –Urine Cola, Anti Farmer, Anti Poor, Anti Minority Policies, Corruption and etc. 2009 success was second class – mainly due to Farmer Loan Waivers, Substantial Increase in MSP and No Passenger Fare increase by Railways and Record Railway Performance.

He was Total Disaster in Every Department –
INDUSTRY: Failed to IMPROVE Patent Office, Promoted JUGAADS than developing products for markets, Bank Credits to Industry Quadrupled but products were mainly imported and there was Zero Industry growth except in packaging marketing. India exports Unprocessed FOODS, Low Value Materials.

ENERGY: – Only two of 16 UMPP could come up in 10 years, Failed to PromoteMultipurpose Dams – 200,000 MW Potential in Himalayas alone, Energy Efficiency, Cook Stoves for Poor, Power Distribution, Rigged Meters etc.

Arvind Kejriwal Applied DANDA and Tata and Ambani in few months are supplying UN-Interrupted Power. Nehru built BHAKRA DAM Jairam was promoting LAME DUCK Dams, Check Dams or RWH all Disasters Wasteful.

ENVIRONMENT: – He completely MISHANDLED the ministry creating OBSTRUCTIONS in everything, De-Railed Agro Bio-Tech Research & Development.
RURAL DEVELOPMENT: –  He was TOTAL FAILURE, couldn’t improve Water Supply, Sanitation, Food Storage & Processing, MSMEs etc. 

Jairam Ramesh & Sam Pitroda are SEPTIC TANKS of Congress.

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS


Preliminary Earthquake Report
  • 11 Nov 2015 02:46:19 UTC
  • 10 Nov 2015 21:46:19 near epicenter
  • 11 Nov 2015 06:46:19 standard time in your timezone
Location29.485S 72.192W
Depth10 km
  • 97 km (60 mi) WNW of Coquimbo, Chile
  • 102 km (63 mi) WNW of La Serena, Chile
  • 155 km (96 mi) WNW of Vicuna, Chile
  • 156 km (96 mi) NW of Ovalle, Chile
  • 464 km (287 mi) NNW of Santiago, Chile


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