MEDIA SAVE THE DATE: 2 May 2015 - Speci al UN perfo rmanc e MIRAC LE ON WHEEL S
From: Manoharan <> Fri, 27 Mar '15 2:26p
To: <>
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Dear Media Colleague,
Greetings from the UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan.
On 2nd May 2015, the eve of the anniversary of the coming into force of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with NGOs The Cradle and Indian Council for UN Relations, we are hosting a performance of Miracle on Wheels. This is a totally fabulous choreography that celebrates full integration of persons with disability in social processes, one of the key aims of the UN’s global strategy on Disability.
While I would like to extend to you and your spouse a personal invitation to this performance, I would also be grateful if you would circulate this information among your colleagues and their families. While some of you may have seen the performance, it can be seen again and again. And for those who haven’t, it is indeed a MUST-SEE!
In response to this SAVE YOUR DATE e-mail invitation and brochure, please let us know how many invites you wish to receive to this event and the address/es to where the cards should be sent.
I look forward to both your e-mail, and to greeting you at the FICCI Auditorium on 2nd May.
With best regards,
Mrs. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman
United Nations Information Centre
55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003
Phone: +91 11 24623439
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