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Stay away from the haze by visiting our roadshow at Thomson Plaza! We’ve got a special ‘Beat The Haze’ promotion happening there! Do drop by to find out more!
Eubiq's photo.

भोपाल में प्रदेश के सभी जन सगठनों की जबरदस्त एक-जुटता
मुख्य मंत्री संवाद करो: 27 अक्टूबर को गाँधी भवन में निमंत्रण
नर्मदा जन अदालत के 4 न्यायाधीशों का अंतरिम आदेश:
सरदार सरोवर से 2.5 लाख के विस्थापन रोको
गैर कानूनी बाँध कार्य और अन्याय पूर्ण डूब पर हो पुनर्विचार
14 सितम्बर, 2015: सरदार सरोवर बांध से 2.5 लाख लोगों के ऊपर किसान-विरोधी शिवराज-मोदी सरकारें द्वारा थोपी जा रही अन्यायपूर्ण विस्थापन के खिलाफ पिछले एक महीने से नर्मदा किनारे, राजघाट में चल रही एतिहासिक जीवन अधिकार सत्याग्रह के भरपूर समर्थन में भोपाल के 30 से ऊपर जन-संगठन और जनवादी राजनीतिक दल आज प्रदेश के राजधानी के सड़कों पर उतार आये| शाहजहानी पार्क से नीलम पार्क तक निकली पैदल रैली और आम सभा में प्रदेश भर के विभिन्न जन संगठनों और समोहों के साथी, किसान, मजदूर, मछुआरे, कुहार – केवट सहित लगभग 1,000 से भी ज़्यादा वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ता और जनता उपस्थित थे |
‘पेटलावद जाने के कारण, मुख्य मंत्री से मिलना आज संभव नहीं’, यह कहते हुए, धरना स्थल पर भोपाल के अनुविभागीय अधिकारी पधारे और आन्दोलनकारियों से ज्ञापन स्वीकार किया | उनके माध्यम से सभी संगठनों की और से वरिष्ठ समाजवादी नेता डा. सुनीलम ने मुख्य मंत्री को प्रस्ताव रखा की “हम संवाद के लिए तैयार है, अगर आप भी हो तो ज़रूर पधारे”| मुख्य मंत्री को 27 अक्टूबर के दिन मध्य प्रदेश में सरदार सरोवर विस्थापितों और अन्य जगहों पर हो रहे विस्थापन के सन्दर्भ में संवाद हेतु एक खुली बहस के लिए, निमंत्रण दिया |
मेधा पाटकर ने कहा कि गुजरात दंगों के लिए कानूनी रूप से आज भले नहीं, मगर नैतिक रूप से ज़िम्मेदार पूर्व मुख्य मंत्री और वर्त्तमान प्रधान मंत्री अगर नर्मदा घाटी की हत्या के योजना को आगे बढ़ाएंगे, तो 120 दंगाइयों को सज़ा दिलानी वाली तीस्ता सेतालवाद से भी, बड़ी सबक और उससे बड़ी सज़ा गलत निर्णयकर्ताओं को दिलाने के लिए नर्मदा घाटी की महिला-शक्ति तैयार है | “सर्वोच्च अदालत से सर्वोत्तम न्याय अपेक्षित है, सर्वोच्च अन्याय नहीं”, यह कहते हुए, उन्होंने कहा की न्याय की लड़ाई अब कोर्ट में ही नहीं, देश के सड़कों पर, सभी संगठनों के साथ तीव्र की जायेगी” | नर्मदा घाटी की प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए, ग्राम धनोरा के मजदूर बहन पेमल ने प्रधान मंत्री को आपने विकास के वादों को साबित करने के लिए हवाई दौरा बंद करके, ज़मीन पर उतर आने का निमंत्रण दी |  
नर्मदा घाटी में राजघाट पर देश के कई सारे गणमान्य नागरिकों द्वारा 11 और 12 सितम्बर को आयोजित “जन अदालत” के 4 सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीशों ने “सरदार सरोवर के विकास, विस्थापन और पुनर्वास के स्तिथि पर शासन के दावे और ज़मीनी हकीकत” पर जो अंतरिम आदेश पारित किया, उसका वाचन वरिष्ठ शिक्षाविद, प्रो. अनिल सदगोपाल जी ने किया और सभी संगठनों ने आदेश का स्वागत किया |
अंतरिम रिपोर्ट में वरिष्ट न्यायाधीश न्या. पी. सी. जैन, न्या. वी.डी ज्ञानी, न्या. नाग मोहन दास और न्या. एन. के. मोदी जी नी कहा “हमारे राय में संविधान के अनुच्छेद 21, अंतरराष्ट्रीय संधी, स्वयं नर्मदा अवार्ड का फैसला, सर्वोच्च अदालत, मध्य प्रदेश न्यायालय के निर्णय और शिकायत निवारण प्राधिकरण के आदेशों  का उल्लंघन हुआ है| जनता के साथ धोखा हुआ है | हमें यह कहने में कोई संकोच नहीं है की सरकार ने जो शपथ-पत्र मा. सर्वोच्च नयायालय में प्रस्तुत किया है, वह सफ़ेद झूठ है | जन अदालत मा. सर्वोच्च न्यायालय से प्रार्थना करती है कि शासन की और से प्रस्तुत गुमराह की जाने वाली शपत पत्रों के आधार पर जो आदेश पारित किये गए है, उनकी पुन:विचार की जाए अथवा इस रिपोर्ट को क्यूरेटीव याचिका माना जाए” |
जागृत आदिवासी दलित संगठन के माधुरी बहन ने कहा की “पूरे देश को खिलाने वाले किसान–मजदूर, कम दाम और बिन काम रोते रहते है, मगर शासन गरीब- मेहनत कशों के कब्र पर, कॉर्पोरेट लुटेरों के लिए महल बनाने की योजना आगे बढ़ती है और खेती–शिक्षा–स्वास्थ्य हर क्षेत्रे में मुनाफेखोरों के हितों में खुले आम काम कर रही है | बरगी से चुटका को और सरदार सरोवर से कोका कोला को पानी, बिजली, ज़मीन, मुनाफ़ा देने के खिलाफ और संघर्ष ज़रूरी है”|
झुझारू महिला अधिवक्ता आराधना भार्गव ने छिंदवाड़ा में अड़ानी के द्वारा, शासन की खुली मदद के साथ हो रही लूट पाट और दादागिरी का खंडन करते हुए, मध्य प्रदेश के सभी संगठनो को एक जुट होकर लड़ने के लिए, पुकार दी| अखिल भारतीय जनवादी महिला समाख्या के संध्या शैली जी ने ने शहरीकरण के नाम पर हो रही भरसक विस्थापन और पलायन के खिलाफ अपनी आवाज़ उठाते हुए, कहा कि पर्यावरण उत्साव के नाम पर करोड़ों रूपए बहानी वाली सरकारें वास्तव में पर्यावरण की रक्षा करने वाली ग्रामीण और गरीब समुदायों की ह्त्या कर रही है |  
धरने पर आज सीपीएम, सीपीआई, SUCI जैसे जन वादी राज नीतिक दलों ने भी उपस्तिथ होकर अपना समर्थन व्यक्त किया |मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के प्रदेश सचिव बादल सरोज जी ने कहा की प्रदेश की प्राकृतिक संसाधनों को ख़तम करने के लिए, 55 से भी ज्यादा ताप विद्युत् परियोजनाओं को मंजूरी ही नहीं, पूरी छूट दी जा रही है  | उन्होंने कहा कि आनी वाले महीनों में प्रदेश भर में 250 संगठनों तक जन शक्ती और एक जुटता के लिया प्रक्रिया आगे बढाया जाएगा | SUCI पार्टी से जुड़े अखिल भारतीय किसान और खेत मजदूर संगठन के यू.पी. विश्वास जी ने नर्मदा घाटी के 30 सालों के संघर्ष का समर्थन करते हुए एलान किया की सभी वर्गों को प्रदेश स्तर पर ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा दबाव लाने हेतु रणनीती पुख्ता करना होगा | सीपीआई से वरिष्ट अधिवक्ता अरविन्द श्रीवास्तव जे ने नए भू-अर्जन कानून में जन विरोधी बदलाव को रोकने के जीत के बाद, अब राज्यों में भी ऐसे बदलाव लाने के खिलाफ लड़ाई मज़बूत करने का ऐलान किया|
मध्य प्रदेश किसान सभा के जसविंदर सिंह जी ने मुख्य मंत्री पर सीधा निस्शन साधते हुए कहा कि लाडलियों और महिलाओं की बात करने वाले मुख्यमंत्री कुपोषण, विस्थापन और महिला हिंसा जैसे महत्वपूर्ण समस्याओं पर क्यों चुप है ? उन्होंने कहा “हमें चाहिए ज़मीन और आबादी का हक़ – मंदिर और मस्जिद की राजनीती नहीं” |
किसान संघर्ष समिती, छिंदवाडा, बरगी विस्थापित एवं प्रभावित संघ, जबलपुर, रोको ठोको संघर्ष मोर्चा, सीधी, अखिल भारतीय सेकुलर फोरम, जन पहल, नागरिक एक्शन नेटवर्क, इन्साफ, विकास संवाद, आखिल भारतीय शिक्षा अधिकार मंच और अन्य कई जिलों के जन संगठनों और समूहों के साथी आज के प्रदर्शन में उपस्थित थे |  आज का प्रदर्शन सभी जन संगठनों के सामूहिक पहल से सफल रहा | कार्यक्रम का पूरा खर्चा अलग – अलग संगठनों के साथियों और गाँव – गाँव से आये हुए जनता ने बाटी |
संपर्क: रोली शिवहरे – 09425466461 और मीरा – 9179617513
संलंग्न: 1. जन अदालत की अंतरिम रिपोर्ट दिनाक 12/9/2015
2. मुख्य मंत्री को प्रस्तुत ज्ञापन दिनांक 14/9/2015 

Invitation with Synopsis & photographs of “Romeo – Juliet”
From: Anoop Barua <> Mon, 14 Sep ’15 2:24p
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Dear friend,
It gives me an immense pleasure in informing you that a team comprising 8 graduates of NSD are presenting a new play “Romeo – Juliet” which is a part of Cultural Exchange Programme between NSD and other country(s), under the direction of Prof. Suresh Bhardwaj. Before it is scheduled to another country, it’s our privilege to announce that NSD has arranged two preview show(s) on 16th Sept. 2015 at 3.30 pm & 6.30 pm at Bahumukh auditorium.
Hence, Director, NSD has immense pleasure in inviting you to the preview show(s) as per above mentioned dates and venue. Please spare some time from your busy schedule to witness the performance.
We are also attaching the synopsis and photographs of the play for your kind consideration for the wider publicity through your kind publication or channel.
Since we have only two show(s), therefore, it would be our request to please ensure your seat in advance to avoid last moment rush.
Looking forward for a very favourable gesture and seeing you at the venue.
With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,
A.K. Barua
Public Relations Officer
National School of Drama

CPR is pleased to invite you to a talk on
Generating Fiscal Space – A Suggested Framework
Dr Mukul Asher
Monday, 21 September 2015, 4:00 p.m.
Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research
Fragile macroeconomic environment, constrained tax policy autonomy, and higher funding, needs to meet the rising needs and expectations of citizens for public amenities. This challenge also confronts the policy makers in India at Union, State, and Urban and local government levels. This has lent greater urgency to generating fiscal space while sustaining high broad-based growth and fairness of the fiscal system. This seminar presents and explains a possible framework for generating fiscal space. It can be adapted for a specific context by a city, a state, a region, or a country to enhance fiscal sustainability and to address present and future fiscal risks. It is intended to facilitate a systemic and integrated approach for addressing fiscal challenges.Such a framework is relevant for India due to the evolving dynamics of Union- State fiscal relations which portends availability of larger unconditional resource transfers and responsibilities for the provision of public amenities from the Union government towards the States.
This seminar first reviews the concept of fiscal space advanced in the literature, and then presents an integrated framework for generating fiscal space in the Indian context. The framework focuses on growth (essential for generating fiscal space); ways to increase conventional and non-conventional sources of revenue, including more productive use of government’s assets and regulatory privileges; and better expenditure management, including procurement reforms.
The framework thus involves both income flows and balances sheets, and reasons from citizen-centric outcomes desired to fiscal space needed. This will be elaborated, with India specific examples. The paper suggests setting up of a Fiscal Risk Management Office (FRMO) at the union government, and at the State level.
Mukul Asher is a Professorial Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He specialises in public sector economics and social security issues in Asia. His recent research focusses on social policy, ageing, pensions and social security policy. He has published extensively in international journals, and has authored and edited several books. His most recent being a 2015 book titled ‘Strengthening Social Protection in East Asia’ co-edited with Fukunari Kimura, and published by Routledge. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, the Asian Development Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, among other institutions. He has been a resource person for policy makers in several Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, People’s Republic of China, and Sri Lanka. He is on the Editorial Board of International Social Security Review, a leading journal in the field. He teaches applied public sector economics and India’s economic development and policy.
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Arjuna Award for four GoSports Foundation athletes

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In This Edition:
  • Arjuna Awards for four GoSports athletes
  • Athletes’ Education Programme Launch
  • An evening of music, laughter, and lyrics with the Bawraas in Mumbai
  • Athlete achievements over the past month
Arjuna Award for four GoSports Foundation athletes
Four athletes chosen under the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme this year have been named as Arjuna Award recipients
(bottom l-r) Sharath Gayakwad, Dipa Karmakar, MR Poovamma, Kidambi Srikanth)
Our journey continues to become more exciting and rewarding, with four of our athletes being named as recipients of the prestigiousArjuna Awards this year. Of the nineteen talents picked to receive support under the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme 2015, four athletes from diverse sporting disciplines have been selected to receive the honour for their standout performances in 2014. Athlete MR Poovamma could not receive her award in person as she was competing at the IAAF World Athletics Championships in Beijing, China. Congratulations to the following four awardees:Kidambi Srikanth – Badminton
Dipa Karmakar – Artistic Gymnastics
MR Poovamma – 400m, 4x400m Relay
Sharath Gayakwad – Para-Swimming
Athletes’ Education Programme launch
Through the Programme, the Foundation aims to empower young athletes with access to knowledge
On the occasion of National Sports Day on August 29, GoSports Foundation announced the launch of its Athletes’ Education Programme. The Programme curriculum, developed in consultation with the Programme Mentor – Aparna Popat, sports science experts and leading educationists, focuses on emotional and holistic development in order to create Smarter Athletes For Tomorrow!
The launch event and first workshop of the Athletes’ Education Programme 2015
Bawraas come together in support of GoSports Foundation
An evening to celebrate sport through music, laughter, and lyrics
The Bawraas group based in Mumbai, comprising standup comedian Vikram Sathaye and musicians Swanand Kirkire and Shantanu Moitra, teamed up with the Smaaash Sports Foundation, an initiative to support and enthuse sporting talents, for an evening in celebration of sport. The evening, which kicked off with laughter courtesy host Vikram Sathaye, also saw several musical talents like Ankur Tewari, Jasleen Royal, and Arpita Mukherjee coming together to make some wonderful music. GoSports Foundation Advisory Board member Pullela Gopichand was also present and shared his fascinating journey – from All England champion to Chief National Coach – with everyone.We would like to thank all the event partners for their initiative, and the memorable evening full of lovely music and inspirational stories!

The artistes with GoSports Foundation Advisory Board member Pullela Gopichand and Marketing Director Deepthi Bopaiah
Our Athletes and their Accolades
Aug 2015: 21-year old shooter Anjum Moudgil has made the transition to the senior level and was part of the Senior Squad that represented India at the World Cups recently held in the USA, Germany, and Azerbaijan. All these tournaments were qualifying events for the Rio Olympics in 2016.
Aug 29, 2015, Beijing, China: Racewalker Manish Singh Rawat sealed an Olympic quota place in the 50km Racewalking event at the Rio Olympics in 2016, with his timing of 3:57.11 at the IAAF Athletics World Championships in Beijing, which was an improvement of 5 minutes on his previous personal best. He has already qualified for the 20km event as well.
Sep 6, 2015, Gulbarga, India: Young Gayatri Pullela bagged a grand treble at the recently concluded All India Sub Junior Ranking Badminton Tournament at Gulbarga. She won the U-13 Girls Singles title beating fellow GoSports Foundation Athlete Samiya Farooqui Imad in the finals.  She also bagged the U-15 Girls’ Singles title, and the U-15 Girls’ Doubles Title partnering fellow GoSports Foundation athlete Vaishnavi Reddy (both pictured top right),Samiya won the U-13 girls doubles title, and finished as a semi-finalist in the U-15 girls singles category. Simran Singhi (left) finished runner-up in the U-15 girls’ doubles event, while young Priyanshu Rajawat (bottom right) was a semifinalist in the U-15 boys doubles competition.
Sep 6, 2015, Pune, India: Ruthvika Shivani and doubles pair Sathwik Sai Raj and Krishna Prasad after their respective wins in the Girls’ Singles and Boys’ Doubles categories at the Sushant Chipalkatti Memorial India Junior International Badminton Championships. Fellow GoSports Athlete Chirag Shetty and his partner Sanjana Santosh also finished runners-up in the mixed doubles event.
Sep 7, 2015, Apia, Samoa: 18 year old talent Supriya Mondal did the nation proud by swimming to a silver medal in the 200m Butterfly event at the Commonwealth Youth Games in Apia, Samoa. He narrowly missed out on a gold medal by 0.03 milliseconds, and finished with a time of 2.01.9.
Sep 8, 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Fencer Bhavani Devi with her bronze medal at the just-concluded Asian U23 Championships in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The 22-year old defeated fencers from Thailand and Korea in the knockout rounds, on her way to the semi-finals.
Sep 10, 2015, Apia, Samoa: 16 year old Nishant Kumawat from Rajasthan hit a 9 point score to bring home an individual silver medal in the men’s archery event at the Commonwealth Youth Games in Samoa. He narrowly missed out on the gold, as his final shot was a few millimetres farther from the centre than his competitor’s.
Foundation Partners
To support our athletes or know more about our programmes, please click here:
I Want to Support India’s Future Olympians
GoSports Foundation
The GoSports Foundation is a not-for-profit venture primarily focused on the development of India’s best and most promising junior Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Through its scholarship programmes, GoSports Foundation has supported more than 100 high-performing junior athletes and conducted coach and athlete education programmes aimed at improving the sporting ecosystem in India.Rahul Dravid, Abhinav Bindra, and Pullela Gopichand are members of the GoSports Foundation’s Advisory Board. 
For More Information:
Aparna Ravichandran
Phone: +91 74060 01016
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Hockey India League announces new Rules & Regulations for the upcoming HIL 2016

Hockey India League announces new Rules & Regulations for the upcoming HIL 2016 
New Delhi, 14 September 2015: After three highly competitive seasons of the Hockey India League (HIL), the Governing Committee will now bring new rules and regulations to make the world’s best league more competitive and intense. The announcement of the new rules was made at a press conference addressed by Dr Narinder Dhruv Batra, Chairman, Hockey India League.
From the 2016 season of Hockey India League, franchisee can have a squad of 20 players with a composition of 12 Indian players and eight foreign players. The squad must have minimum two goalkeepers sitting on the bench and all the players of 20-member squad will be mentioned in the Match Sheet and must be present at their respective Team’s dug-out during the HIL matches.
As per the new goal-scoring points system, the HIL 2016 will be known as the most competitive and first of its kind in any hockey competition where field goals will be given more priority than penalty corners. In the HIL 2016 matches, 2 goal points will be awarded for every Field Goal to encourage more skilful and tactical hockey. To curb rough tackles and maintain discipline among players, 2 goal points will awarded to every Penalty-Stroke Goal scored other than resulting from penalty corner.
Two Goals will also be awarded for every goal scored from a Penalty-Stroke resulting from a Penalty Corner where a goal being scored is prevented by a deliberate foul. The new goal-scoring system is approved by the FIH Competitions Committee and Rules Committee, which will promote spirited hockey and fair play among all players.
The rest of the Goal-Scoring point system remains the same where Penalty Corner goals, goal scored from a Penalty Stroke resulting from a Penalty Corner (where a goal being scored is prevented as a results of the ball hitting a foot or body) as well as a goal from a direct shoot-out and Penalty Stroke goals in a shoot-out competition will be considered as 1 goal point.
With the new rules and regulations, the Hockey India League will see the worlds best players showcase their hockey skills to score more goals through field goals. The new regulations will also reduce the aggressive moves and maintain discipline among players.
Speaking on the announcement Hockey India President and Hockey India League Chairman Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra said, “Penalty Corners give undue advantage to those teams which have penalty corner specialists. The teams also fight to earn penalty corners rather than scoring goals through field penetration. The new system will encourage teams and players to play to score goals instead of looking for penalties. The system will surely enhance players’ skills and mentality of playing good hockey.  HIL is committed to promoting the worlds best hockey and with this new rules, players will improve themselves in a competitive environment. We expect Hockey India League to continue its legacy of high-class hockey and take the sport to a new level.”
Hockey India League 2015 auction is all slated for 17th September wherein 135 Indian and 141 Foreign Players will go under the hammer. Earlier in August 2015, Hockey India League had provided all the franchisees the option to retain upto 3 Indian and 3 Foreign players, while releasing the rest of the squad. With 276 players to get auctioned, each franchisee will be looking at a strong team with the hope of having the required edge over others.
HIL 2016 Rules and Regulations
o   Squad of 20 players
o   12 Indian players
o   8 Foreign players
o   Minimum of 2 goalkeepers in the squad and sitting on the bench
o   All players will be on the Match Sheet for each match and allowed on the bench
o   A Franchise can now make immediate replacements by selecting a player from the HIL Reserve List 2016.
o   Complete the Replacement Player Application Form as per the HIL Player Replacement Policy 2016
o   New goal-scoring points
o   The first time played in any hockey competition
o   Approved by the FIH Competitions Committee and Rules Committee
For every Field Goal and Penalty Stroke Goal scored in a match other than resulting from a Penalty Corner
2 Goals
For every goal scored from a Penalty Stroke resulting from a Penalty Corner where a goal being scored is prevented by a deliberate foul
2 Goals
For every Penalty Corner scored in a match
1 Goal
For every goal scored from a Penalty Stroke resulting from a Penalty Corner (where a goal being scored is prevented as a results of the ball hitting a foot or body)
1 Goal
In a shoot-out competition a goal from a direct Shoot-out and a Penalty Stroke
1 Goal

Hockey India League Partners
Star Sports
Shiv Naresh**
Warm regards,
Richa Bhatnagar
Account Executive, Professional Services


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