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Boletín de Nuevatribuna
Boletín informativo. Jueves 17 de Diciembre 2015.
Economía | Laboral
Lotería 2015: el mayor premio es compartirlo, pero con Hacienda... que recaudará 188 millones de eurosLOS QUE COMPARTAN SU PREMIO TRIBUTARÁN IGUALMENTE
Lotería 2015: el mayor premio es compartirlo, pero con Hacienda… que recaudará 188 millones de euros
Los agraciados en el sorteo del 22 de diciembre recibirán el premio con el impuesto ya descontado.
Rajoy recortó las prestaciones a 5 millones y medio de paradosSEVERO RECORTE A PRESTACIONES POR DESEMPLEO
Rajoy recortó las prestaciones a 5 millones y medio de parados
Con las cifras de 2011, debería haber gastado en prestaciones 41.346 millones de euros.
Valeo Martorelles, un ejemplo sindical también en el acuerdoPREACUERDO SOBRE EL FUTURO DE LA PLANTA
Valeo Martorelles, un ejemplo sindical también en el acuerdo
El Acuerdo de Valeo, suscrito por CCOO y UGT, es un buen ejemplo de sindicalismo confederal y también de gestión empresarial.
Impunidad de los talleres de la mafia china de MataróRESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL CORPORATIVA
Impunidad de los talleres de la mafia china de Mataró
Isidor Boix |  Una sentencia de la Audiencia de Barcelona que casi les otorga impunidad.
Sanción por exigir a un trabajador “no estar afiliado a ningún sindicato”TRAS UNA DENUNCIA DE UGT
Sanción por exigir a un trabajador “no estar afiliado a ningún sindicato”
La empresa Travel Experience exigía a los candidatos para un puesto de trabajo tener entre 25 a 35 años y no estar afiliados a ningún sindicato.
Pedro Galeano, un sindicalista más (de los más de 300 que hay) criminalizado por ejercer el derecho de huelgaPARTICIPÓ PACÍFICAMENTE EN UN PIQUETE INFORMATIVO
Pedro Galeano, un sindicalista más (de los más de 300 que hay) criminalizado por ejercer el derecho de huelga
Pedro Galeano ha declarado este miércoles en los Juzgados de Alcalá de Henares.
El fracaso de las políticas de prevención de riesgos laboralesPROPUESTAS DE LA FADSP
El fracaso de las políticas de prevención de riesgos laborales
Carmen Yela |  Haber dejado la prevención de riesgos y en especial la atención a la salud de los trabajadores en manos de los empresarios es una de las causas de este…
Cinco trabajadores perdieron la vida en noviembre por accidentes laboralesSINIESTRALIDAD LABORAL EN MADRID
Cinco trabajadores perdieron la vida en noviembre por accidentes laborales
UGT denuncia que, teniendo en cuenta los accidentes mortales relacionados con el trabajo del pasado mes, 75 trabajadores han perdido la vida en nuestra Comunidad Autónoma.
Vicenç Navarro: El neoliberalismo mata y pone enfermas a las clases populares 
Planteo algunos ejemplos dramáticos, entre miles, de las consecuencias de las políticas públicas neoliberales impuestas a la población.
Javier López: El 20D y el futuro de nuestras pensiones 
Cada cierto tiempo, como si de una suerte de serpiente veraniega se tratase, reaparece el debate sobre el futuro de las pensiones en nuestro país.
Juan Antonio Mata Marfil: Elecciones 20D, bonificar los contratos indefinidos 
Denunciar y combatir con firmeza estas medidas debe ser una constante, además de una prioridad, no solo de los sindicatos, sino del conjunto de la sociedad.
Ramón Hdez. de Ávila: 20D: ¿España crece? 
Es cierto que España está saliendo de la crisis, pero no es menos cierto que el tímido despegue de la economía a una serie de factores ajenos al Gobierno.
Elecciones 20D
Un joven agrede a Rajoy propinándole un fuerte puñetazo en la cara 
La agresión se produjo la tarde de este miércoles, cuando el jefe de filas del PP se hallaba con otros dirigentes populares al lado de la Iglesia de la Peregrina, en una…
El menor que agredió a Rajoy evitará la cárcel PODRÍA SER INTERNADO PARA SU REEDUCACIÓN
El menor que agredió a Rajoy evitará la cárcel 
El artículo 550.3 de Código Penal, en agresiones a miembros del Gobierno, prevé penas de uno a seis años de prisión, pero siendo menor no podrán…
¿Quién ganó el debate? División de opiniones entre la prensa conservadora y progresista
Más de 9,7 millones de espectadores siguieron de media el ‘cara a cara’ entre Rajoy y Sánchez.
Eugenio Hernández: Leyes y encuestas en tiempos de Twitter 
La versión web de un periódico con sede en Andorra ha decidido publicar diariamente encuestas de intención de voto sobre el 20D.
Opinión | Política
“Usted no es decente”, ¿Insulto o vergüenza? “Usted no es decente”, ¿Insulto o vergüenza? 
Marcos de Castro Sanz y Emilio López Soria.  Después del “debate a dos” entre Rajoy y Sánchez se ha divulgado la “historia” de lo vergonzante que…
José Luís Martín Palacín: El cuatrienio negro de Rajoy 
Por mucho que Rajoy se empeñe en que nos ha librado del rescate, lo que ha hecho ha sido disfrazarlo en el rescate bancario, que lo estamos pagando todos.
Al vado o a la puente*:¿Telequinesis**?OPINIÓN
Jesús Gago: Al vado o a la puente*:¿Telequinesis**? 
He tomado prestada para la ocasión esa tan arcaica como castiza locución que dio título también a un delirante artículo de Santiago Carrillo publicado en el…
Javier Gimeno Perelló: La trampa del ‘voto útil’. Razones para votar a Alberto Garzón 
El verdadero voto útil es aquel que expresa el sueño de muchos, y especialmente de los más desposeídos.
La realidad política y la política real
José Luís López Fontán | La ciudadanía establece que para recuperar la credibilidad es necesario actuar con claridad y sin claroscuros.
Diego Meca: La paz 
Nos guste o no, Mariano Rajoy nos representa a todos, y el puñetazo nos lo han dado a todos.
Santos Rejas Rodriguez: Pinto, pinto… 
Razones familiares y de otras índoles me han hecho transitar estos días diferentes barrios de Madrid.
Diego Ruiz Ruiz: Ganar el futuro 
Hemos vivido cuatro años tremendamente duros, difíciles, de pesadilla de la Derecha más dura, rancia y radical de toda Europa.
José Félix Tezanos: El debate y las últimas tendencias electorales 
El fenómeno de Podemos y de Ciudadanos es similar al que se dio en su día con Santiago Carrillo y Julio Anguita.
Alberto Soler Montagud: De “todos contra el PP” a “todos contra el PSOE” 
Una vez que “todos contra el PSOE” se ha convertido en el grito de guerra coral, cabe preguntarse cómo y en qué beneficia esta postura a cada partido.
La última función con Sánchez y Rajoy como coprotagonistasOPINIÓN
Gabriel Flores: La última función con Sánchez y Rajoy como coprotagonistas
Hemos asistido a la última función protagonizada por Sánchez y Rajoy. También, seguramente, al final del bipartidismo.
Antonio Mora Plaza: El 20D o el fin de la Transición 
En las elecciones del próximo 20 de diciembre se dilucida algo más que el próximo Parlamento de la nación y el futuro presidente de Gobierno.
Pedro Luis Angosto: Ciudadanos y la violencia machista: La triste realidad 
La opinión de Ciudadanos sobre la violencia machista ha permitido a muchos descubrir la verdadera cara del partido de Albert Rivera.
Vicenç Navarro: ¿Quiénes son hoy los extremistas? ¿Los llamados radicales o los moderados? 
Las estructuras de poder financiero y económico configuran, a través de los medios de información y persuasión que influencian (y que en muchas ocasiones controlan), la…
Terrorismo yihadista
¿Tiene España que intervenir contra el Estado Islámico?ASUNCIÓN DE COMPROMISOS INTERNACIONALES
¿Tiene España que intervenir contra el Estado Islámico?
Por José Antonio de Yturriaga |  España es uno de los objetivos de los movimientos yihadistas que ya la atacaron de forma irracional y sangrienta en 2004.
Manuela Carmena baja un 15% de media el precio de las entradas a instalaciones deportivas y piscinasA PARTIR DEL 1 DE ENERO
Manuela Carmena baja un 15% de media el precio de las entradas a instalaciones deportivas y piscinas
También hay cambios en los precios por la prestación de servicio de los viveros de empresas: bajarán un 32% en el primer año de utilización de las oficinas
Cifuentes continúa con los regalos fiscales para el 2% más rico de la población madrileñaPRESUPUESTOS DE LA COMUNIDAD DE MADRID PARA 2016
Cifuentes continúa con los “regalos fiscales para el 2% más rico de la población madrileña”
La Cumbre Social de Madrid califica los Presupuestos Generales de la Comunidad de Madrid para 2016 de “oportunidad perdida” para recuperar a las personas y sus derechos.
Marciano Sánchez Bayle: La Sanidad invisible 
No parece importar a los políticos, ni a los viejos ni a los nuevos, el hecho de que el sistema sanitario público haya tenido un recorte de más de 15.000 millones.
“Dramática” situación de la sanidad pública gallega bajo el Gobierno de Núñez FeijóoINFORME SOBRE LA SANIDAD PÚBLICA GALLEGA
“Dramática” situación de la sanidad pública gallega bajo el Gobierno de Núñez Feijóo
La Asociación Galega para a Defensa da Sanidade Pública (AGDSP) analiza punto por punto los principales problemas de la sanidad en Galicia y los procesos de privatización del…
Ya es firme la anulación de la jubilación forzosa de Sánchez BayleLA CONSEJERÍA DE SANIDAD NO RECURRE LA SENTENCIA
Ya es firme la anulación de la jubilación forzosa de Sánchez Bayle
Para su reincorporación está pendiente la respuesta de la Administración sanitaria madrileña de la petición de prorroga en el servicio activo que ya ha…
Las personas dependientes en los programas electorales del 20DCOMPARANDO PROPUESTAS
Las personas dependientes en los programas electorales del 20D
Gracia Escalante y Andrés Arias | Hay partidos que buscan consolidar el marco actual, mientras otros plantean un modelo que supere el actual marco regulatorio​.
La PAH acusa a algunos jueces de incumplir la norma europea de desahuciosRECLAMAN CINCO PETICIONES DE OBJETIVOS MÍNIMOS
La PAH acusa a algunos jueces de incumplir la norma europea de desahucios
Varios grupos de activistas por la vivienda han hecho entrega de dos escritos en el Congreso con los que denuncian que algunos jueces están incumpliendo de forma…
José Campos Trujillo: El 20-D, vota por “las personas y la igualdad social” 
Son malos tiempos para una mayoría de la ciudadanía, no sólo en recursos y empleo, también en justicia social e igualdad.
Conoce las localidades que han sido agraciadas con el Gordo de Navidad LOS BOMBOS LLEGAN EL LUNES AL TEATRO REAL
Conoce las localidades que han sido agraciadas con el Gordo de Navidad 
La emisión del sorteo asciende a 3.200 millones de euros, repartiéndose en premios el 70% de la emisión, es decir 2.240 millones de euros.
Una Europa federal para salvar Schengen Una Europa federal para salvar Schengen 
Miguel Ángel Benedicto | La UE afronta una batería de retos tan complejos que requerirán en 2016 de una Europa política cada vez más federal.
América Latina
Argentina levanta el cepo al dólar y devalúaCRÓNICAS DE AMÉRICA LATINA | BUENOS AIRES
Argentina levanta el cepo al dólar y devalúa
Habrá una flotación sucia y libertad absoluta para importar y exportar.
Macri anuncia las primeras medidas económicasCRÓNICAS DE AMÉRICA LATINA | BUENOS AIRES
Macri anuncia las primeras medidas económicas
Se eliminan los impuestos a las exportaciones y se suprimen algunos subsidios.
Los primeros pasos del Gobierno de Macri
Aumentan los secuestros de periodistas en todo el mundoDENUNCIA REPORTEROS SIN FRONTERAS
Aumentan los secuestros de periodistas en todo el mundo
Cincuenta y cuatro periodistas profesionales –entre ellos una mujer– permanecen secuestrados actualmente en el mundo, lo que representa un aumento del 35% respecto a 2014.
Medio Ambiente
Greenpeace aprueba a Podemos y Unidad Popular y suspende al PPLAS PROPUESTAS MEDIOAMBIENTALES, A EXAMEN
Greenpeace aprueba a Podemos y Unidad Popular y suspende al PP
PSOE y Ciudadanos abordan temas importantes pero no alcanzan el nivel de concreción o ambición que demanda la organización ecologista.
Claves para entender el acuerdo climático de París: entre la decepción y la esperanzaTRIBUNA ASYPS
Claves para entender el acuerdo climático de París: entre la decepción y la esperanza
Luis M. Jiménez Herrero y José Luis de la Cruz Leiva | Para la mayoría de las organizaciones no gubernamentales y de la sociedad civil organizada, la Cumbre de…
Tras tres años parada Garoña ha demostrado que es innecesaria para el sistema eléctricoSE ACELERÓ EL PROCESO POR LAS ELECCIONES
Tras tres años parada Garoña ha demostrado que es innecesaria para el sistema eléctrico
El Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear está acelerando el proceso de renovación de la central, con “total opacidad y rompiendo buenas prácticas” en materia de…
La deuda generada en el proyecto Castor podría alcanzar los 4.700 millones de eurosREPERCUTIRÁ EN LAS FACTURAS DE LOS CONSUMIDORES
La deuda generada en el proyecto Castor podría alcanzar los 4.700 millones de euros
A punto de iniciarse los cobros, las organizaciones sociales denuncian la “enorme estafa” del proyecto. “A los promotores les toca el Gordo y a la ciudadanía, las…
El escritor Manuel Rico, ganador del IX Premio Logroño de Novela CON LA OBRA ‘UN EXTRAÑO VIAJERO’
El escritor Manuel Rico, ganador del IX Premio Logroño de Novela 
El escritor recibe el galardón “emocionado” y “satisfecho” porque “un reconocimiento de tal prestigio y proyección ayuda siempre a cualquier escritor a…
El gobierno árabe de DamascoEl gobierno árabe de Damasco
Los acuerdos entre las dos principales potencias occidentales terminarían por frustrar los intentos de independencia de Siria.
La dificultad de conocer a CleopatraLa dificultad de conocer a Cleopatra
La vinculación con Julio César y Marco Antonio ha llevado a Cleopatra a convertirse en la amante manipuladora más sofisticada de la historia.
Los mejores estrenos del fin de semanaPROPUESTAS PARA UNA NOCHE DE CINE
Los mejores estrenos del fin de semana
Esta semana el imperio galáctico se ha expandido de tal manera por nuestros cines que el resto de estrenos se tienen que repartir como buenamente pueden las pocas migajas que quedan.
El despertar de la Fuerza, el estreno más esperadoSÉPTIMA ENTREGA DE LA EXITOSA SAGA STAR WARS
‘El despertar de la Fuerza’, el estreno más esperado
Os ofrecemos una recopilación de todo lo que sabemos hasta ahora de la que promete ser una de las producciones más espectaculares de todos los tiempos.
¿Cuál es el futuro del surf?SURF Y CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO
¿Cuál es el futuro del surf?
Como surfistas, dependemos del mar y de su capacidad para generar olas, por lo cual nuestro vínculo con la naturaleza es directo.
Debate sobre consumo responsable y acción social
Videoclase producido por el Centro de Medios Audiovisuales de la UNED (CEMAV) para el Máster oficial en Sostenibilidad y RSC de la UNED”.
Las 10 pesadillas del viajero ruralECO-VIAJES
Las 10 pesadillas del viajero rural
Por Pepo Paz / Entre las curiosidades que siempre me han interesado sobre los urbanitas que cada fin de semana inundan los hoteles y casas rurales de media España hay una que me inquieta…
Está recibiendo este boletín tras solicitar este servicio a través de la web Nuevatribuna En cualquier momento puede modificar o cancelar su suscripción accediendo a esta dirección.
Información continua y análisis para una ciudadanía comprometida con los valores de libertad, igualdad y justicia.

AAP Protests in Mumbai against Central Government’s misuse of CBI
AAP Mumbai & AAP Thane teams gathered at Azad Maidan to protest against the blatant misuse of the CBI by the Modi Government to raid the offices of the Delhi Chief Minister.
It is clear now that Mr Arun Jatiley misled the parliament when he said that the CM office was not being raided. It has been seen today that the CM office has indeed been raided, all files examined and many files taken away by the CBI. This is a complete murder of democracy and the Aam Aadmi Party feels it is imperative for all persons who value their freedom to protest against this unannounced emergency.
The protest was led by Preeti Sharma Menon, National Spokesperson and the Maharashtra Sah Prabhari Ashutosh Sengar. There are protests being organized across the city by AAP to raise awareness on the conduct of the central government.

Secretary-General’s End-of-Year Press Conference
New York, 16 December 2015
Opening remarks:

Secretary-General:  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  Let me begin by wishing you all the best for a happy new year. I thank you for all your cooperation and your hard work last year.

We are wrapping up a pivotal year in which the United Nations marked its seventieth anniversary and took landmark steps to advance sustainable development and climate change agreement.
The Paris Agreement on climate change is a sign of hope in troubled times. It is a triumph for multilateralism that shows the United Nations delivering results the world desperately needs.
President François Hollande and Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius of France showed inspiring leadership — including by refusing to be deterred by the terrorist attacks of 13 November.
I thank all the Government leaders, businesspeople and civil society leaders who made this achievement possible.
The Paris Agreement surpassed expectations. World leaders recognized that we could and must do better than settling for the lowest common denominator. So they reached higher. The Paris Agreement gives us Plan A for the planet — A for ambition.
Since my first day in office nine years ago, in 2007, I have pushed very hard for this agreement. Now, I will press world leaders again to translate promise into practice.
We must also follow through on the other milestones of 2015.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is our overarching guide, crystallized in 17 goals to end poverty and build peaceful societies.
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda adopted in July is our blueprint for financing for development. Investing in development early will avert crises down the road.
The Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction agreed in March points the way towards resilience.
Taken together, these plans and pacts have set the stage for a future that leaves no one behind.
Ladies and gentlemen, this year we have seen epic flows of refugees and internally displaced people. As we enter 2016, the world needs to aim for a new global compact on human mobility. Demonizing and scapegoating these people based on their religion, ethnicity or country of origin has no place in the twenty-first century.
The United Nations has just asked for $20 billion to meet next year’s humanitarian needs — five times the level of one decade ago. Donors have been exceedingly generous — but we will likely enter 2016 with a funding gap of more than $10 billion, the largest ever.
The World Humanitarian Summit meeting in May 2016 in Istanbul will be a critical moment to address systemic funding problems and agree on concrete steps to better prepare for and respond to crises.
The world must invest more political energy in preventing and ending conflict and in addressing violations of human rights — our best early warning signs of greater trouble to follow.
Ladies and gentlemen, this week, efforts to resolve conflict through diplomacy are front and centre.
In Libya, the parties are close to a desperately needed agreement that would help the country move beyond prolonged crisis.
In Yemen, talks began yesterday in Switzerland towards a lasting ceasefire and a resumption of the political transition. Civilians have borne the brunt of the conflict and we must be doing everything to end the bloodshed and ease their plight.
On Syria, the international community has actively re-engaged in pushing for a political settlement. The International Syria Support Group will meet in New York on Friday, 18 December, followed by a meeting of the Security Council. Syria is an open sore on the Middle East and the wider world. We are pressing for a nationwide ceasefire and for the start of negotiations in January on a political transition — and we must not relent.
Countering the threat posed by Da’esh, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups is crucial. Next month, I will present to the Member States of the United Nations a plan of action on preventing violent extremism. Many of today’s conflicts — and often, unfortunately, the response to them — have provided a breeding ground for the spread of terrorism and violent extremism.
I am alarmed by the escalating violence in Burundi. What we have seen over the past few days is chilling. The country is on the brink of a civil war that risks engulfing the entire region. I have asked Mr. Jamal Benomar, my Special Adviser, to go to the region before the end of this week to speak to the African Union, the countries in the region and, of course, the Government of Burundi. An inclusive political dialogue is needed urgently. We must do all we can to prevent mass violence and act decisively should it erupt.
In South Sudan, the United Nations peacekeeping operation continues to shelter more than 185,000 civilians — a major advance in our human protection efforts. But that is not a permanent solution, and many more remain internally displaced and under threat of violence. I urge the parties to establish the transitional institutions before the end of January.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are daunting situations. I take heart from the political progress and smooth transfers of power over the past year, including in Sri Lanka and Nigeria.
The transition in the Central African Republic is also moving ahead, with the constitutional referendum last week and presidential and legislative elections at the end of this month.
I am encouraged by progress in the negotiations on Cyprus. A solution to decades of division is within reach.
In the Americas, Colombians are edging closer to the end of the continent’s longest-running conflict.
In Myanmar, the Government and Army are cooperating with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for a stable transition. Continued efforts are needed to begin an inclusive dialogue that brings marginalized ethnic groups into the process. The United Nations and I personally have supported the process for several years. We will continue to do so.
Ladies and gentlemen, the year 2015 has brought both breakthrough and horror.
The United Nations continues to strengthen itself, including through wide-ranging assessments of peace operations, peacebuilding and our future role and capacities.
Despite the ups and downs, from peace processes to climate talks, we cannot afford to let up. Too much is at stake. Millions of people depend on us to keep pressing ahead.
I did not lose faith during the years of ups and downs of climate negotiations.
I continue to believe in the United Nations — and in our staff, many of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice.
I continue to have faith in the ability of the world’s people to come together for the common good — as was just demonstrated so emphatically in Paris.
With that spirit, we can make 2016 a year of accomplishment and truly build a life of dignity for we the peoples.
Thank you.
Q & A:
Question:  Mr. Secretary-General, on behalf of the UN Correspondents Association (UNCA), thank you for this end-of-year press conference, and thanks again to you and Madam Ban for attending the UNCA award on Monday night. My colleagues and I are wishing you and your family happy holidays and happy New Year. Your press conference is a very important tool for us, and for the 2016, we are asking if the excellent practice of having you in this room for 30 minutes once a month can be reinstated. And finally is my question on North Korea. A few weeks ago, there was news that you were ready to land in Pyongyang for an historic visit, but suddenly everything was put on hold, and now the preparation for the trip looks almost radioactive. Could you please tell us what the situation is, if the tip will ever take place? Thank you.
Secretary-General: I have been considering, as I told you that I am ready to provide my role as Secretary-General wherever it may take for peace and stability and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula. And I have… that condition is unchanged. It’s still under discussions with the authorities of DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). I sincerely hope that we will be able to find a mutually convenient date as soon as possible. And this is what I can tell you at this time. Recently, there have been some encouraging developments of the situation between the two parts of Korea, including the August agreement and also reunion of separated families. Unfortunately, this Vice Ministers’ area high-level talks between the two Koreas have not yielded much-expected results. But we should not be frustrated. I sincerely hope that the parties will continue to engage in talks so that they can, first of all, expend the political space through dialogue and exchanges and cooperation, so that they can, first of all, build reconciliation between the two parties. In there, I’m ready to provide any service as the Secretary-General and as one of the citizens coming from Korea. Thank you.
Question: Thank you, Secretary-General. Sherwin Bryce-Pease, South African Broadcasting. Given the escalation that you’ve spoken about in Burundi, including the attacks that led to almost 100 deaths last Friday, and in light of the fact that a senior Security Council diplomat has described the situation as a country that is going to hell, would you concede, sir, that your recommendation of a reinforced team to back your Special Adviser is perhaps not an adequate response to the evolving situation on the ground?
Secretary-General: First of all, as I said, I’m extremely concerned about the continuing violence, the violence between Government armed forces and unknown armed elements. These are very chilling. And I have asked, as I said, to Jamal Benomar to go right away to the region to engage in dialogue. Even during the climate change negotiations, I have been reaching out to leaders in the region. I’ve been constantly speaking to the leaders. I sincerely hope that, first of all, Government of Burundi, President [Pierre] Nkurunziza, will engage in inclusive dialogue to address this issue. And I’m asking, again, African Union and the East African Community and the facilitators mandated by East African Community, President [Yoweri] Museveni of Uganda, will continue to render their political leadership to facilitate a dialogue. Mr. Jamal Benomar will continuously engage himself. And at this time, I appeal to all national stakeholders to uphold the rule of law, human rights, and I urge authorities to help create the conditions for credible and inclusive dialogue. Those are preconditions for political dialogue.
As for the options of which I recommended to the Security Council, of course, there are different options. At this time, I am encouraged that President Nkurunziza had met Mr. Benomar, my Special Adviser, and [will] continuously be available for consultation. I’m going to discuss this matter again this afternoon with Security Council members. We will take necessary actions as we observe and watch the situation, how it evolves. Depending upon the evolution of the situation, we may have to level up our presence and our activities.
Question: Yes, Mr. Secretary-General, on the Vienna process, please, if you don’t mind, could you kindly explain to us that ceasefire arrangement and what do you have in mind, given that the area where Da’esh controls, they have civilians there. What are you going to do about the collateral damage of so many civilians? And the foreign fighters that… for example, Iran’s militias in Syria, are they going to be part of that ceasefire? And, you know, again, the same thing with the regime and the barrel bombs obviously, but where do you stand on whether Bashar al-Assad should stay or go, and if he goes, when?
Secretary-General: The first part of the question, you’ve been following all this situation. I’m looking forward to this third International Syria Support Group, ISSG, meeting, in New York on Friday. And I and my Special Envoy, Staffan de Mistura, will participate. I’m also looking forward to meeting many ministers who will be participating on the margins of this meeting. What is important at this time, as was agreed through Vienna 1 and 2 process, it’s important that we should have a nationwide ceasefire as soon as possible. Of course, there are certain areas controlled more by ISIS. But as much as we can, we should expend this area to be covered by a ceasefire as wide as possible.
For that [to be] possible, Staffan de Mistura will engage in intra-Syrian talks as soon as possible. Then we can have some political… expand the political space. It is absolutely necessary that, first of all, we should have this ceasefire, nationwide ceasefire. That will help us, not only the political process, also United Nations and other humanitarian agencies to deliver humanitarian assistance to many, many people who are desperately in need of such help. There are 13 million people, at least 13 million people, except these more than 4 million refugees, they are in need of, desperately, the humanitarian assistance.
Question: Can you answer that question on Iran, please, and Assad?
Secretary-General: The second question, I think this issue has been discussed many times in the past. Basically, in principle, it’s up to the Syrian people who should make a decision about the future of President Assad. But at the same time, I also believe that it is unacceptable that the whole Syrian crisis and solution to this crisis has to be depending upon just a question of fate of one man, that’s not acceptable. But that’s why people have been discussing this matter all the time, but I leave it to the parties concerned to discuss this matter again in parallel, try to find out political space as well as delivering humanitarian assistance. In transition, in the course of transition, there may be… some people are now… some countries are now expressing some nuanced positions that there may be some role or need for President Assad to stay just a limited… a limited month, but that will have to be decided later on.
Question: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. You still have one year in your term as Secretary-General, and your legacy is going to be connected somehow to the failures of the international community in Syria. And you have said repeatedly that Assad has lost legitimacy. Can you say it one more time? And can you tell us: what role can Iran play in solving the situation in Syria, in Lebanon, and in the region? Thank you.
Secretary-General: The continuing Syrian crisis during last five years has created a lot of troubles and unexpected issues, as we have seen. It has affected a lot of situations in neighbouring countries, including Lebanon. Another issue is the spread of terrorism and ISIL. This lack of good governance and the continuing tragedy and the complete despair among the people has made the perfect breeding ground for extremists and terrorists to set their roots in there. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that we first address these political issues. That is kind of some root causes, how to address the root causes. And we have to also take necessary actions to defeat and counter extremism and terrorism. So our challenges have become much more difficult, wider, the space of our challenges have become much wider. That is why it’s crucially important that we bring, as early as possible, the end of this crisis.
Question: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary-General. You talked in the beginning about the need for a new Global Compact to address the issue of migration, refugees, and basically intolerance against religious, ethnic minorities. Could you tell us what this compact would look like, what role the United Nations is going to play, who it should involve, and what it should say and do?
Secretary-General: This massive flow of migrants and refugees into Europe and other areas in Asia and elsewhere have surfaced as more than regional issues. It has become a global issue. I appreciate European Union, particularly, leaders who have been engaging to find out some more structured framework to address this issue. But it has gone beyond European Union, and there is some divisions, very serious divisions among the countries concerned. That is why I believe that it has become a global issue, and that’s why United Nations should address this issue in close consultation with the Member States.
This year, in September, 30 September, I have convened a high-level meeting here. But I have proposed to the Member States of the UN that I’m going to convene a summit meeting just one day before the general debates. That will be 19 September. I’m aware that there’s emerging concerns as to support my initiative, my proposal. There, I’d like to discuss with the world leaders and try to have a sort of Global Compact for responsibility sharing.
Of course, for detailed matters, we have to prepare in close consultation, we may have regional consultations in the course of several months. To address migration and refugee issues, I have laid out some road map. First of all, on 4 February in London, we are going to convene the high-level, summit-level conference on Syria, particularly to address the refugee issues and humanitarian support. Of course, we can discuss some other issues, too, including migration. And this conference is co-sponsored by United Kingdom, Norway, and Kuwait and Germany and United Nations. We have already extended invitation cosigned by the leaders of these four countries and myself.
In March, in Switzerland, I have asked High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, newly-appointed High Commissioner, to convene a high-level meeting to discuss on “resettlement plus”.
Then, in May, we have world humanitarian summit meeting in Istanbul in Turkey on the margins… I think we can also discuss this matter as a part of this humanitarian support.
Then, in September, we are going to have a summit meeting on migration issues. I understand that President of General Assembly also has an idea of convening, on his initiative, sometime in July a high-level meeting on migration issues. So there will be a continuing commitment and continuing consultation in the international community to address this issue at a global level.
Question: Follow-up question on Syria, Secretary-General. You used the words “as soon as possible” a short time ago about the ceasefire and about the face-to-face talks. The stated communiqué from Vienna said the beginning of January. Given that’s only a couple weeks away, does that now seem a bit too ambitious? And going forward, on the time frame, how long do you think transition should be? And if there’s a need for elections at the end of transition, would the UN organize them?
Secretary-General: The Vienna 2 conference has issued their own agreement, saying that we will try to have this nationwide ceasefire [in] January. Then we have an 18-month timeline to have political transition. Some people may think that this may be too ambitious, but one needs to be ambitious. We do not have much time to lose… to waste even a single minute, and therefore it’s absolutely necessary that we have highest-level possible ambition. And I think we have to do all that we can.
Question: Since you are entering your final year as Secretary-General, and there’s already a race to inherit your position, will you address, first of all, rumours or reports that you plan to run for President of South Korea?
Secretary-General: Can you just speak louder?
Question: Sure. Will you address reports that you’re planning to run for President of South Korea? And also, will you pledge, for planning purposes for those who would be your successor, that you will serve out the remainder of your term?
Secretary-General: I think you are not first one to have asked me that question. [laughter] I have been repeatedly stated during last couple of years that, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, I have a full agenda. I remain focused on, and during coming one year during my time, until the very last day of next year, I will focus all my time and energy to do my job as the Secretary-General. Thank you.
Question: Thank you, Stéphane. Yes. Thank you, Secretary-General. Yesterday, the President of the General Assembly and President of the Security Council have sent a letter to the Member States to present their candidate for the next… for your successor for the next Secretary-General. Could you tell us your thought on this unprecedented procedure to…
Secretary-General: Can you just speak a little louder?
Question: Excuse me, yeah…. [cross talk] Could you tell us your thought on this unprecedented procedure to choose the next Secretary-General? And also, if you have any message to these candidates. Thank you.
Secretary-General: I have seen that letter, and it was expected, in fact, because Member States have been actively discussing this issue, how to make selection process of my successor more transparent. I think it is a good initiative, as far as I believe, and I think there is a widely-shared consensus that this is a good initiative. I’d like to see that, with this letter, I hope Member States will expedite their process to select the next Secretary-General as soon as possible [in] a very transparent manner. That’s my wish.
Question: Mr. Secretary-General, tomorrow, the UN is going to be releasing the Deschamps report that you asked concerning allegations of sexual abuse in Central African Republic. And you’ve spoken very forcefully about the need to clean up peacekeeping and misconduct by peacekeepers. I’m just wondering if you feel that, over the months, you’ve made progress following your repeated appeals for changes on this.
Secretary-General: I’m looking forward to meeting Judge Marie Deschamps, who will hand over her findings as the Chair of this panel of inquiry commission. And after having received it, I’ll take necessary action, including making it public. But, more importantly, we will review the contents of this report and take necessary action to make it much more clearly committed that all the UN staff, whether in the Headquarters or in the field, must be much more committed to protect and respect human rights, including prohibiting… preventing sexual violence.
Question: Thank you, Stéphane. And Mr. Secretary-General, I want to raise Afghanistan, an issue which was missing on your opening statement. You have been a strong advocate and supporter of Afghan-led peace process, peace and reconciliation process, but this process made a promising beginning in July but has collapsed and situation in Afghanistan has sharply deteriorated. Sir, even the Unite… on top of this, the United States has resumed fighting Taliban, according to The New York Times. In this situation, what are your thoughts how this process can be resumed and what… how can you help?
Secretary-General: People in Afghanistan have suffered too long a time, many decades. The peace and stability have been always unstable, and many countries have involved and tried to support stability and peace in Afghanistan. With the new leadership, President Ashraf Ghani and I… I have been taking note that he has been engaging with the leaders in the region, particularly with Pakistan. I sincerely hope that with whole international community’s support and goodwill to support Afghanistan, the people and Government, so that they will be able to maintain peace and stability through their own domestic reconciliation and plans, and also there’s many international conferences have been held, like, for example, compact, which have been providing international economy and social support. At the same time, it is important to have good cooperation with the neighbouring countries, particularly in addressing terrorism and extremist attacks against Afghanistan. And United Nations, UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) will continue to play an important role.
Question: Thank you, Stéphane. Mr. Secretary-General, thank you. On Syria, the issue of terrorism has been on the agenda of pretty much every country dealing with Syria. Some… for example, some countries deal with moderates, claiming they’re terrorists, but there’s the threat of ISIS. Have you spoken to the sides, especially the Russians and the Americans, about choosing the terrorists instead of opposition and uniting their forces in fight against terrorism? Have you spoken to them? What do you recommend to them? Thank you.
Secretary-General: Countering terrorism and extremism has surfaced and emerged as one of the top, most serious issues, which we have to deal with. In that regard, I really appreciate many countries participating in coalitions, and their contribution is very important. At the same time, I have been asking them to observe strictly the international humanitarian and international human rights laws to protect… not to [cause] the civilian casualties. In other aspect, we have to also address the root causes enhancing, improving, good governance of the leaders of the concerned countries and listening very seriously to the voices and aspirations of their own people through inclusive dialogue. There are some countries who are lacking such capacities, particularly; therefore, United Nations through this Counter-Terrorism Centre is really trying to provide capacity-building support as much as we can, and that is why I’m trying to present as soon as possible during the month of January the Comprehensive Plan of Action to counter extremism and terrorism.
When it comes to Syria, there are many armed groups. There are many armed groups. And I understand that, through this process of Vienna… Vienna process, they are trying to define and exactly find out who are the terrorist groups, who are the armed groups. I understand that the Jordanian Government has been mandated to take this mission. This issue will be a continuing subject now. And I also appreciate that Syrian… Saudi Arabia has convened a meeting last week among the Syrian armed groups. I sincerely hope that there should be some unity of purpose among the parties concerned so that we can more effectively address this challenge of countering terrorism.
Question: Thank you, Stéphane. Thank you, Secretary-General. Mentioning about the Middle East and Saudi Arabia, just two days ago, there was an alliance formed between 34 countries from the Arab and Islamic world in Saudi Arabia. What’s your view of this new coalition forming, and how effective it’s going to be in addressing holistically the causes and the counter-terrorism measures that needed to be implemented on the ground? And do you see it as duplication for existing coalitions led by the United States, or it can be working… merged together at one point?
Secretary-General: I read that report that Saudi Arabia has initiated to form a Muslim country-led coalition. As you know, this coalition led by Western countries, including Russia, they have been operating the military operations to fight against this terrorism, and I sincerely hope that when there is a coalition formed, I think that they should very closely coordinate with other countries who are already participating in coalitions. As I again said, it’s very important when they stage military operations, there should be extreme care and efforts not to harm any civilian population and civilian facilities. And this is fundamental principle of international human rights and humanitarian law.
Question: Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General. I was wondering why, in your introductory remarks, you did not mention Palestine and the conflict there. An average of two Palestinians are killed a day. Today the Israeli Government announced building 800 new settlement units. And Gaza’s under siege for the last eight years. Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe, as you know. And yet you didn’t find the time in your introductory remarks to mention what’s going on there. Why is that? Thank you.
Secretary-General: I’m very concerned that we have not seen much progress, even deterioration of the situation in the Middle East. As you may remember, I was in the region during October to discuss this matter with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders. It’s important that, even though this situation might be very much challenging, the leaders should have shown their high level of commitment and ambition, even political ambition, to address all these pending issues, I think six-, seven-decade-long issues, to bring some… at least a small sense of hope to people who have been suffering. And when it comes to settlement, I have been repeatedly, consistently made the United Nations position that it is illegal in accordance with international law.
Question: Thank you, Secretary-General. On the fight against ISIS, there was some hope that this common enemy could unite the countries, also provide some grounds for progress in Syria. But now there seems to be some disagreements, some more disagreements, for example, between Turkey on one side, Russia and Iraq on the other side. How could you personally push for these countries to unite and for more coordination between the states fighting ISIS? Thank you.
Secretary-General: Again, I have been urging the parties concerned, countries concerned, who are involved in this process to, first of all, coordinate among themselves and try to respect the human rights and humanitarian law. And about providing some support to different groups, you can find answer from my consistent… United Nations consistent position that there should be very close coordination and cooperation among the parties concerned. And often, we have seen some conflict, unfortunately, between and among the countries who are working for the same purpose. There should be unity of purpose and collaboration. And if and when there is any division of positions between and among the countries who are engaging in counter-terrorism, counter-extremism, I think they should really show their commitment, first of all, [to] de-escalate the tensions between and among themselves and [be] united. And I’ve been also urging the Syrian armed groups… there are many such different armed groups, who are working for one purpose. Then when you are divided, when you have a division of positions, then it will be more difficult to achieve goals.
Question: Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General. As you mentioned, the world is dealing with several crises at a time, and I was wondering if you see any link between all these crises and the entailing consequences, such as refugee crisis and terrorism? And if so, do you think there is a possibility of finding a solution for one of these crises without regarding the others? Thank you.
Secretary-General: I think you have raised a hugely big question. [laughter] Having served as the Secretary-General during last nine years, one lesson or observation which I have drawn is that, in this world, nothing is operating in isolation. So everything is tightly interconnected. Whether it is migration or terrorism or peace and development, human rights, I think they all work in a very tightly connected [way]. So we can find some causes of certain issues which are tightly connected.
One root cause would be abject poverty, lack of good governance. When there is a complete despair among the people, when there is a complete disregard by the leaders on the wishes and aspirations of the people, then people try to find other ways to address their own difficulties and concerns and sufferings. Nobody wants to suffer from any reason, whether it is poverty, disease, or abuse of authorities or abuse of power. That’s why I’ve been always asking that good governance and inclusive dialogue and addressing abject poverty, those are the answers.
We can find answers when you just trace back the root causes and drivers of all these foreign terrorist fighters. Then some of… one or two or three factors have driven them to flee, to migrate, or to become radical or to become very radical forces. And, therefore, we have to address all this in sync, in close coordination. That is why, even though we are living in this world of peril, but I think world leaders have provided some good sense of promise and hope. These are Sustainable Development Goals, 17 goals, and climate change agreement. If we implement these Sustainable Development Goals, including climate change, I think we can expect that most of the people will be able to live in a much better, much more stable situation and much more prosperity. And that’s what the United Nations is aiming to achieve, and we have laid good foundations this year. The year 2015, I believe that will be recorded as one of the most important historic years in the history of the United Nations, where we have laid out all good foundations.
Question: Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General. Tomorrow the UN Security Council takes up terrorist financing and the draft resolution which will have the finance ministers attending calls on your office, on the Secretary-General, to provide a report in 30 days and, in particular, to define and report on recruitment of ISIL and the sources of terrorist financing. How does your office expect to do that, to speak with intelligence agencies? And do you believe that that will unite countries in trying to tap down on terrorist financing? Thank you.
Secretary-General: I’m very much encouraged by the fact that the Security Council is going to take a landmark decision in preventing financial flows to the terrorists and extremists. This is very important sign of demonstrating their leadership for unity of purpose in addressing terrorist and extremists. Unfortunately, they have been receiving a lot of funds without much difficulty, particularly Islamic State, they have… according to reports, they have a lot of money available in there. And they pay for their own people living… controlled under their influence. Therefore, it’s very important that we have to do whatever is required to cut off all this source of financial support to these people. I think that is one of the ways, very effective in addressing this issue. And I’m looking forward to my own participation tomorrow.
Question: Yes. Thank you. Sir, what are your views on Iran’s testing of ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons? And in particular, do such actions give you concern as to Iran’s good faith going forward in complying with the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)? Thank you.
Secretary-General: Iran and all the Powers, P5+1 (China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States, Germany), they have made a very good agreement. Therefore, I would expect that the Iranian Government will continue to implement in accordance with this agreement and in accordance with all relevant Security Council resolutions. And I think that is the best way for Iran, first of all, to achieve what they have set out. And I’m sure that, based on this agreement, the international community is going to work together with the Iranian Government. Thank you.

The Hollywood actress and philanthropist praises Harmony House for their positive impact on the lives of hundreds of children
INDIA, 17 DEC 15- Eva Longoria, the renowned Hollywood celebrity visits Harmony House, a day-shelter for street children, in Gurgaon.
Established in 2009, by British-born Lucy Bruce and her Indian husband Gaurav Sinha,Harmony House is an independent NGO that provides free education, food, clothing, medical care and vocational training for nearly 500 children in Gurgaon, near Delhi.
Based in Dubai, the Founders run the charity with the support of family and friends in Delhi and across the world. Lucy is both an entrepreneur and philanthropist and runs socially responsible pre-school education institutions called Home Grown Children’s Eco Nursery with business partner Beverly Jatwani, where children in Dubai are paired with children in India as part of it’s CSR and Environmental mission.
Eva Longoria, who received a traditional Indian welcome at Harmony House of a garland and vermillion mark on her forehead, commented “I am so humbled to have visited Harmony House. Lucy’s vision is truly changing the trajectory of so many children’s lives, most of whom live in nearby slums and desperately require the education, food, medication and social services that Harmony House offer”
“We were lucky to have met Eva last year in Dubai, where she comes regularly to support her philanthropic initiatives, which includeThe Global Gift Foundation and theEva Longoria Foundation. We became fortunate enough to have spent time with Eva, talking about our common interests to support the under-privileged and empowering those who are less fortunate through education and community support” said Lucy Bruce.
During her time at Harmony House, Eva spent time talking to the children, enjoying special performances and teaching English. Eva visited one of the homes in the slums of a young girl who attends Harmony House to learn more about her living conditions and daily struggles.
“Eva and Pepe’s genuine warmth, compassion and empathy could be felt by all of the children and staff at Harmony House. Eva’s ability to make people feel special and at total ease is truly inspiring and heartwarming to watch”.
Lucy Bruce has been recognized as one of the Top 50 most Influential British people in the UAE by Arabian Business magazine and has been a relentless voice and activist for the interests of destitute children in India. Harmony House also provides rehabilitation support for abused women and a community engagement program for people living in nearby slums.
“Eva is a wonderful person who is really down to earth; she got engaged a few days ago in Dubai and we spoke at length about her upcoming trip to India – she is truly an inspiring person and we feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to get to know her. It’s not surprising for Eva to make time for those in need and it’s a tribute to her as a person that the first place she visits in India is actually a shelter for children, as opposed to anything else” added Gaurav Sinha.
You can find out more on how to support Harmony House by
For press information, please contact:
Zahra Raza
Tel:   +971 (0) 4 439 3434
Note to Editors:
About Harmony House
Harmony House is a UK registered, non-profit organization in Gurgaon, near Delhi, India. Using a rented villa as a full time community centre for women and children, Harmony House offer education, food, medication, hygiene facilities and social services to women and children living in the nearby slums. Harmony House rely 100% on donations and contributions to run the centre and charity.
Harmony House’s key objectives are to provide a safe, fun, educational and a loving environment for children and women living in the nearby slums. With many of its children attending school only for a few hours in the morning or not at all, Harmony House allows the children to break away from the harsh climate of their usual surroundings and spend their free time in enjoyable, stimulating and nurturing surroundings. Harmony House provide breakfast, lunch and evening snacks to all, hygiene facilities, medication and social services.
About Lucy Bruce
Inspired by philanthropy from a very young age, British born Lucy Bruce, is an influential humanitarian and entrepreneur. Lucy was voted 8th most influential Brit living in the UAE by Arabian Business Magazine and has featured in the region’s most popular publications and broadcasts. Moved by the impoverished conditions in India, Lucy and her husband, Gaurav Sinha, founded the independent NGO that provides free education, food, clothing, medical care and vocational training for nearly 500 children in Gurgaon. Lucy also runs a socially responsible pre-school education institutions called Home Grown Children’s Eco Nursery with business partner Beverly Jatwani, where children in Dubai are paired with children in India as part of it’s CSR and Environmental mission. Lucy Bruce, a mother of three, perfectly balances it all, earning her the prestigious ‘Emirates Woman of the Year award’ in 2010

Friday, December 18, 2015

(A sexual minorities NGO working for Human Rights)
Invite to Press Conference
Delhi, 18 Dec 2015: Sangama, a Bangalore-based NGO of Sexual and Gender Minorities, working for the human rights for the last 15 years, along with Karnataka Sexual Minorities Forum, Sexual Minorities Forum- Kerala, National Alliance for Peoples Movement (NAPM), National Coalition of People living with HIV in India( NCPI PLUS) and activists will address a Press Conference on Friday, the 18th of December 2015 at Press Club from 4:30 to 5:30pm on the Introduction by Shashi Tharoor, a private member’s bill in Parliament, to amend Section 377 of Indian Penal Code.
We acknowledge the efforts and welcome the move to introduce the bill. No responsible Parliament should ignore the harassment and persecution which the sexual minority citizens have been subjected to because of an outdated and archaic s.377 and the resulting legal framework. It is the bounden duty of the parliamentarians, sworn to uphold the Constitution, to redress the real grievances of the sexual minority community. Even as the opinion against the retention of Section 377 builds up, it is clear that the law continues to be used to target, harass and persecute sexual minorities, including Transgenders and various other identities, across the country. The insidious danger of section 377 lies in the fact that it permeates different social settings including the medical establishment, family and the State. Violence gains a semblance of legal acceptability. Sec. 377 expresses the deep societal repugnance towards sexual minorities and provided the fig leaf of legitimacy for the harassment of sexual minorities. India HIV/AIDS Alliance has also welcomed the introduction of the bill. They were instrumental in building the momentum against s 377 in 18 states under “Pehchan” program
Various Civil society and sexual minority groups will be part of the press conference
Venue: Press Club of India
Time: 4:30 to 5:30pm (immediately after the bill was introduced in the Parliament)
Date: 18th Dec, 2015
Excel Housewares Pvt. Ltd. Launches “LYRA GLASSWARE”
Carrying forward their brand promise of ‘Future Inspired Glassware’, M/s Excel Housewares Pvt. Ltd. adds a new gem to its wide range of quality glassware and kitchenware product with– Lyra Glassware.
With its range of extremely stylish and modern glassware, Lyra is carefully and efficiently designed to offer light weight and economical glassware products to elevate the daily lifestyle of customers.
The glasses are available in the Following Shapes – Water, Soft Drink, Beer Tumblers and Mugs, Coffee Mugs, Ice Cream Cup Etc
Looking in to the customer convenience Lyra glassware is available across all prominent online store like Amazon, Flipkart,, Snapdeal and
The product is also available across all leading stores like Home Town, More mega mart, Home Centres, Spencers, Metro Cash & Carry and very soon it will be available in Wal-Mart.
The CEO of M/s Excel Housewares Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Satish Arora and Director Mrs. Swatika Khanna Arora launched these products with view of providing buyers an economical range of glasses with new trendy looks. Mr. Satish Arora said “as the party season in ON, there cannot be better time to give buyers this amazing range of glassware, to glam up their Socializing Events.”
For more information visit –
Thanks & Warm Regards,
Amit Kumar
2 hrs ·
There’s no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself! In Eubiq, we are also trying to improve ourselves everyday and bring more benefits to the society and people. So cheers and have a good friday. TGIF everybody! (Ideas courtesy of 9GaG)
Grand inauguration of 22nd National Cricket Tournament for the blind
New Delhi, December 17, 2015: Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled’ long standing patronage for cricket is well known since its inception. Their efforts were formalized by establishing the Cricket Association for the Blind (CABI) in the year 2012. CABI was conceived with the aim to use competitive cricket to teach the blind to look at life positively, gain in confidence and strive to be winners rather than dependents; and to use the game as a medium to transmit the message of ability and talent to the society. The Indian cricket team for the blind made the country proud by winning both T20 World Cup in 2012 and 4th One Day International World Cup on 2014. They are ready to continue lifting the World Cup trophy yet again in 2016.
After stupendous success in T20 and World Cup for the blinds, CABI in the presence of Chief Guest Shri Oscar Fernandes, Former Minister, MP & General Secretary of AICC, Hon’ble guests Shri Lov Verma, IAS,Secretary to Govt. of IndiaDept. of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilties and Shri Ananth Kumar, Minister for Chemicals and Fertilisers today inaugurated the 22nd National Cricket Tournament for blind at 9:00 AM atCentral Civil Services Cultural & Sports Ground, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. The tournament will be played in Delhi and Gurgaon from December 17- 21, 2015.
22nd National Cricket tournament follows the league format, followed by the semi finals and the final. Eight teams from all the four zones will play total of 15 matches in Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Ground, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi and Devi Lal Stadium, Gurgaon. The eight participating teams are Haryana and Uttar Pradesh (North Zone), Odisha and West Bengal (East Zone), Gujarat and Rajasthan (West Zone) and Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka (South Zone). All the league matches will be played between 17th and 19th December, the semi- finals on December 20th, 2015 while the final match will be contested on 21st December from 11 AM onwards. The outcome of the National Tournament would be formation of a 17member Indian team which will be selected to play T20 Asia from January 16- 24, 2016 in Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Kochi.
We invite you all to come together for the National Cricket Tournament for the Blind encouraging players from 8 states to find a place in the coveted National team. We salute the sporting spirit in every player who have come together to put
an entertaining contest and represent their country in world class cricket for the Blind. Let’s come together to boost their confidence and learn the winning attitude from them.
Match Schedules
Ground A – Civil Services ground, Chanakyapuri, Vinay Marg, near Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi
Ground B – Tau Devilal Stadium Gurgaon.
17th to 19th December:  2 matches at each ground
1st match from 9 AM to 12.30 PM
2nd match from 1 PM to 4.30 PM.
20th December:  1st Semi Final – Ground A – 11.00 am to 2.30 pm.
20th December:  2nd Semi Final – Ground B, 11.00 am to 2.30 pm.
21st  December:  Finals – Civil Services ground, Chanakyapuri, Vinay Marg, Near Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi from 10 am to 1.30 pm, followed by prize distribution.
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled
Samarthanam works to empower the visually impaired, disabled and underprivileged and help them to keep in pace with the rest of the society by providing quality education, accommodation, nutritious food, vocational training, placement based rehabilitation and achieve personal independence. However, the long term vision of Samarthanam is to work towards an inclusive society free from discrimination where persons with disabilities become contributing members, living with dignity and respect.
About Cricket Association for the Blind in India (CABI):
The Cricket Association for the Blind (CABI) is the apex body that organizes and conducts cricket for the blind across India. CABI was handed over the responsibility of promoting and organizing cricket for the blind by the previous body Association for Cricket for the Blind in India – ACBI, in 2010. It is a registered Non Profit Organization, affiliated to the World Blind Cricket (WBC).
For further information, please contact:
Rachna Kathuria / Rashmi Chowdhury
M: 9999973697 / 8285079862
Excel Housewares Pvt. Ltd. Launches “LYRA GLASSWARE”
Carrying forward their brand promise of ‘Future Inspired Glassware’, M/s Excel Housewares Pvt. Ltd. adds a new gem to its wide range of quality glassware and kitchenware product with– Lyra Glassware.
With its range of extremely stylish and modern glassware, Lyra is carefully and efficiently designed to offer light weight and economical glassware products to elevate the daily lifestyle of customers.
The glasses are available in the Following Shapes – Water, Soft Drink, Beer Tumblers and Mugs, Coffee Mugs, Ice Cream Cup Etc
Looking in to the customer convenience Lyra glassware is available across all prominent online store like Amazon, Flipkart,, Snapdeal and
The product is also available across all leading stores like Home Town, More mega mart, Home Centres, Spencers, Metro Cash & Carry and very soon it will be available in Wal-Mart.
The CEO of M/s Excel Housewares Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Satish Arora and Director Mrs. Swatika Khanna Arora launched these products with view of providing buyers an economical range of glasses with new trendy looks. Mr. Satish Arora said “as the party season in ON, there cannot be better time to give buyers this amazing range of glassware, to glam up their Socializing Events.”
For more information visit –
Thanks & Warm Regards,
Amit Kumar
With RG
3 hrs ·
Dear Friends,
As we all know that the doctored case of National Herald is an example of Modi’s revenge politics.
Due to lack of any evidence the ED had given a clean chit to Smt. Gandhi & others but the Modi Govt removed the ED director & reopened the case again.
Delhi High Court has summoned Smt Sonia Gandhi & Sri Rahul Gandhi, On 19th Dec. Smt Sonia Gandhi will walk to Patiala Court.
Let us join her to show our support to her. Plz use ‪#‎WalkWithTruth‬ in your tweets from 11AM onwards to send a message to our opponents that we will not be cowed down or back down in front of any provocation by false cases.
Truth will finally prevail in this case.
Satya Mev Jayate.
– Team WithRG
From: Centre for Policy Analysis  Thu, 17 Dec ’15 3:53p
To: Bhavya Joshi
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Dear Friend
The Centre for Policy Analysis is an independent and non-profit research centre has consistently been working towards to create a just and inclusive political and social order, equity based economic order and structures, an independent foreign policy, a truly decentralized federalism

​through the ​
empowerment of people at the grass roots. The CPA ever since its inception has been pursuing its objectives in letter and spirit.
As an alternative think-tank,

​has been intervening with policy initiatives, such as round tables, panel discussions, closed door interactions, fact finding reports, conferences on both domestic and international issues.
​CPA is now pleased to announce the institution of an Annual Lecture. The inaugural in the series will be held at the India International Centre on January 16 at 6 p.m. Please block the date, and we will soon be sending you​

​the details.
We welcome you to the first edition of  our annual lecture Series.
Dr.Mahalingam M
Research Fellow
Centre for Policy Analysis
C-17, Second Floor,
Green Park Extension,
New Delhi – 110016
Ph:- 011-26176992
Posted by Naresh Kumar Sagar at Friday, December 18, 2015 No comments:
Subject: विषय- उ0 प्र0 सरकार द्वारा लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति में तथ्यों का गोपन और सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश के पुनरावलोकन की मांग।
Cc: goi cji sc of India <>, “” <>, “” <>,, Prime Minister <>
सेवा में,
श्री राम नाईक जी
महामहिम राज्यपाल
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार
लखनऊ, उत्तर प्रदेश
उत्तर प्रदेश में लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति ना होने से प्रदेश सरकार के भ्रष्टाचार में लगाम लगाने की कोई प्रभावी एजेंसी नहीं है। लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति हेतु संवैधानिक प्रावधानों के तहत प्रदेश में लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति के नाम पर हाईकोर्ट के मुख्य न्यायाधीश, मुख्यमंत्री तथा विपक्ष के नेता द्वारा करने का प्रावधान है। लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति हेतु निम्न पांच लोगों के नाम को प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा सुप्रीम कोर्ट के सम्मुख पेश किया गया-
1.    जस्टिस कलीमुल्ला खान
2.    जस्टिस इम्तियाज मुर्तजा
3.    जस्टिस संजय शर्मा
4.    जस्टिस रविन्द्र सिंह
5.    जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह
इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस चन्द्रचूड़ ने यह पत्र लिखा है कि जस्टिस (रिटा0) वीरेन्द्र सिंह के नाम का पैनल में होने के लिए उनकी सहमति नहीं थी फिर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा सुप्रीम कोर्ट को कैसे गुमराह किया गया इसकी सी0 बी0 आई0 जांच होनी चाहिए। संविधान के संरक्षक होने के नाते माननीय राज्यपाल द्वारा राजनैतिक दवाब में लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति से हमेशा इंकार किया गया जो कानूनन सही है। जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह के कदाचार तथा भ्रष्ट आचरण के बारे में हमारे संगठन ने पहले भी पत्र लिखकर आगाह किया था। जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह का बेटा सत्तारुढ़ दल समाजवादी पार्टी का सक्रिय सदस्य है तथा श्री सिंह खुद भी समाजवादी पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता शिवपाल सिंह यादव के रिश्तेदार हैं।
इन सब बातों को नजरदांज कर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के सम्मुख सम्पूर्ण पेश नहीं कर गुमराह किया गया और जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह की नियुक्ति हेतु माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा आदेश जारी कर दिये गये।
गौरतलब है कि जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह के नाम पर सपा और बसपा दोनों की सहमति है तथा सुप्रीम कोर्ट के सम्मुख मामले पर प्रदेश सरकार की पैरवी कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता तथा वरिष्ठ वकील कपिल सिब्बल द्वारा की गई। इससे यह जाहिर होता है कि भ्रष्ट तन्त्र को बनाये रखने के लिए सपा बसपा तथा कांगे्रस एक हैं और इसलिए एक संग्दिध चरित्र के व्यक्ति को लोकायुक्त बनाने पर जोर दिया जा रहा है। इसके पूर्व भी नोएडा के माफिया
इंजीनियर यादव सिंह को सपा तथा बसपा द्वारा राजनैतिक संरक्षण देेने का मामला हमारे संगठन द्वारा उजागर किया गया पर इसके बावजूद यादव सिंह की गिरफ्तारी नहीं हो रही है। यदि उत्तर प्रदेश में ईमानदार की लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति हुई तो प्रदेश में और भी कई यादव सिंह जैसे माफिया अफसर और नेता बेनकाब होंगे।
माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के सम्मुख सभी तथ्यों को नहीं लाये जाने से 16.12.2015 को पारित आदेश के विरुद्ध पुर्नविचार याचिका दायर करने की आवश्यकता है। कानूनी जानकारों के अनुसार संविधान के अनुच्छेद 142 के तहत माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा     लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति के आदेश जारी नहीं किये जा सकते। आज के समाचारों के अनुसार इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जस्टिस चन्द्रचूर्ण ने इस विषय पर आपत्ति जाहिर करते हुए एक पत्र राज्यपाल तथा सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश को लिखा है जिसके अनुसार उनकी सहमति के बगैर जस्टिस बीरेन्द्र सिंह का नाम 5 लोगों के पैनल में डाला गया था।
यदि सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के आदेश को सही भी मान लिया जाये तो भी प्रदेश के राज्यपाल होने के नाते आप जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह की पुलिस तथा सी0 आई0 डी0 जांच कराने के लिए कानूनी तौर पर बाध्य हैं जैसे कि उच्च न्यायालय के जजों की नियुक्ति के बारे में     प्रक्रिया का पालन होता है। हम आपसे निवेदन करते हैं कि जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह के राजनैतिक सम्पर्क तथा उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य उपभोक्ता आयोग के चेयरमैन के कार्यकाल की भ्रष्ट आचरण की स्वतन्त्र एजेंसी से जांच कराकर रिपोर्ट को माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के सम्मुख प्रस्तुत करने की कृपा करें जिससे 16 दिसम्बर का आदेश निरस्त हो सकेगा।
इसके पूर्व उत्तर प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग के चेयरमैन पद पर सत्तारुढ़ सपा द्वारा राजनैतिक नियुक्ति से लाखों युवाओं का भविष्य चैपट किया गया तथा बाद में इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा उनकी नियुक्ति को रद्द कर दिया गया। लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति के     संदर्भ में भी हमारी संस्था मौलिक भारत द्वारा जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह के राजनैतिक सम्पर्क तथा भ्रष्टाचार के कई प्रमाण दिये गये हैं तथा आवश्यकता पड़ने पर हम और भी प्रमाणों को अग्रसारित कर सकते हैं। आप कानून के ज्ञाता तथा संविधान के संरक्षक हैं। हम आपसे निवेदन करते हैं कि इस विशय पर राज्यपाल का पक्ष रखने के लिए केन्द्र सरकार के अटार्नी जनरल के माध्यम से माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के सम्मुख सभी तथ्यों को अविलम्ब रखा जाये जिससे जस्टिस वीरेन्द्र सिंह की नियुक्ति के आदेश रद्द हो सकें और एक निश्पक्ष तथा ईमानदार लोकायुक्त की नियुक्ति सम्भव हो सके।
इस संदर्भ में देश हित में मौलिक भारत हमेशा सहयोग के लिए तत्पर है।
अनुज अग्रवाल                                                                                              कैप्टन (रिटा0) विकास गुप्ता
राष्ट्रीय महासचिव , मौलिक भारत ट्रस्ट                                      उपाध्यक्ष एवं प्रभारी उत्तर प्रदेश,मौलिक भारत ट्रस्ट
1.    जस्टिस टी0 एस0 ठाकुर
मुख्य न्यायाधीश
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय, नई दिल्ली
2.    जस्टिस डी0 वाई0 चन्द्रचूड़
मुख्य न्यायाधीश
इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय, उत्तर प्रदेश


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