Corruption Free Democracy Indian Democracy is
challenged by the absence of Communication Infrastructure and Functional
Democracy to perform and deliver Corruption Free Democracy. USA has 50
states, over 3100 districts called counties and 19,429 Municipalities, 15,504
Townships – in all 87,576 governments with rights to Govern and collect taxes.
Each of US Federal
Government, States, Counties, Cities and Townships are governed by on average 7
Elected Representatives integrated with Senators and Congressmen who are
authorized to Nominate Advisors and Board of Supervisors also – there are over
500,000 Elected Representatives or Their Appointees govern 311million
population USA
at different levels.
They are elected every two
years – with four year term so 50% retire every two years.
It is very funny For Potato
Selling for Rs.30 per kg or Rs.1 per Manmohan Singh is held responsible? It
seems none of States, Municipalities and Townships have any Governing and
Legislative powers. All 10,000 IAS Officers are there permanently employed for
30-40 years but without legislative powers. Either they are extremely corrupt
themselves or they are not taking action against corrupt.
Crusaders Against Corruption
since 1975 on behalf of 1200m people on all public services – this WIPO Awarded Inventor is not PAID for
Advising GOI on corruption issues – Waste of Public Money, Over Design,
Inflating Cost, Substandard Products etc.
Importantly when Santa Cruz County responded favorably for 0.2m
population in case of Smart Meter, I was directly representing 40 million
people by Two Companies Reliance & Tata directly and 1200 million Indians
indirectly on Metering Issues alone since 2002. The progress was slow and
people were cheated worth some $billions in Mumbai & Delhi.
have been Campaigning on Meters issue since 2002 onwards – on behalf of 1200m
Indians – way ahead of USA and California who are still grappling with the
Issue of Rigging Meters to run fast is explained in GE USP 6459258. Same Companies Re-Routed International Calls as Locals
in abusing Technology explained in Nokia USPatent 7120441 causing thousands of crores loss to BSNL MTNL.
Ravinder Singh
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