Gates calls people who oppose vaccines as child killers! But statistics
prove otherwise. The number of deaths, diseases and disabilities
attributed to vaccines as reported in the US based Vaccines Adverse
Effect Reporting System (VAERS) is mind boggling and continues to grow
by the day. And, as per the CDC, hardly 10% of vaccine adverse effects
ever get recorded!
Gates and his foundation have declared 2010-20 to be a "decade of
vaccines". Very recently Gates has persuaded a few world leaders to
donate $ 2 billion to his charity towards vaccination of Asian and
African children. More countries are expected to follow suit. Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation has earmarked $ 10 billion for this activity.
This brouhaha over vaccines does not bore well for the underweight and
malnourished children of Asia and Africa who will be harmed in large
numbers unable to bear this antigen overload.
funds come out of taxpayers’ money and in each of the countries
activists are up in arms because they have huge health expenses which
the governments are not able to foot. They allege that it is the strong
pharmaceutical lobby that is behind such charity. People who know the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) also know that the Foundation
has invested handsomely in shares of pharmaceutical companies. It is
also hiring people from the industry to head its vaccine charity. Bill
Gates is no philanthropist. Instead he is a very shrewd businessman and
he knows how to eat his cake and keep it too.
will it affect the beneficiary countries economically? While these
countries will be given free or heavily subsidized vaccines initially,
they will be expected to foot the bill when the Foundation withdraws its
charity. Economies will break under this strain. Development funds
earmarked for genuine health care needs like poverty eradication,
improved nutrition, sanitation and clean water will instead have to be
diverted to the activity of vaccination. Who gains from such a
transaction? Obviously the pharmaceutical industry and its shareholders
like the BMGF which will multiply its assets in the name of charity.
will point out that the industry has reduced the prices of vaccines to
be given to the developing world. But this will not affect the industry
at all. In their own country, the USA, the vaccine manufacturers have to
pay a tax of 60% of the price of each vaccine that goes to a national
vaccine injury compensation fund. This fund caters to compensation payed
to vaccine injured children whose numbers are growing at a frightening
rate. They don't have to pay such a tax on their exports. So the price
of the vaccine being reduced does not hurt them in any way!
they are reducing prices expecting their vaccines to find a place in
the various government led universal vaccination schemes. Once this goal
is achieved the huge turnover will benefit them immensely. The initial
reduction in prices does not mean that they cannot raise the prices once
their objective is achieved leading to entire governments being at the
mercy of these profiteers.
buyers beware! The new Rotavirus Vaccine and the Pentavalent vaccine
that Bill Gates is now busy marketing comes with known adverse effects.
While the Rotavirus is associated with a often fatal and very painful
condition called intestinal blockage in infants and children, the
Pentavalent has caused child deaths in whichever country it has been
introduced including Kerala in India where ethical doctors and activists
have filed a court case fighting the officially admitted deaths after
this vaccine was administered to children.
these vaccines in government vaccination programs is fraught with grave
dangers particularly as adverse affects and also deaths due to vaccines
are routinely termed as "coincidental" in these countries and the
victims are denied any benefits.
Bill Gates invested his money to pay damages to and rehabilitate the
vaccine injured children in developing countries that would have been
real charity. He could have also supported scientific research as to why
1 in 6 children today suffer from various development disorders, 54.1%
suffer serious chronic illnesses and 45% of children and youth aged 10
to 24 suffer neuro-psychiatric disorders, as revealed in the recent
issue of Lancet. Also in the news is that Autism is today 1 in 88 making
the number in India close to 1.5 crore children! What is causing these?
Why are we spiraling towards what can only be termed as health
disaster? Is lifestyle only to blame? Or is there something that is not
being questioned?
recently Bill Gates has formed an alliance with 13 drug and vaccine
manufacturers in a bid to effectively control the WHO. Whether his fund
is heavily invested in these companies needs a probe. Bill gates is an
astute businessman and currently he is eyeing to take over the entire
"health business". His links to Monsanto and his investment in GM crops
producing corporate is well known. He also is trying to own a large
chunk of USA's education needs. With Microsoft he effectively controls
the hoi polloi who are the future of the world. His intentions are
obvious. He aims to grow, but perhaps at the expense of the common man
as his efforts and investments clearly point out.
will halt this Jaggernaut? Only the public can, because governments
worldwide are mesmerised by the money power that this personality has
come to acquire and wield. Jagannath Chatterjee
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