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SP: BJP intended to prevent development 


BJP’s conspiracy law messing up being the last 02 years. Never ever any alleged name circled in Ayodhya agitation on issues like violence and sabotage has become his nature. Do not hesitate to attack them in the media.
Meanwhile, BJP leader and undemocratic power-drunk Mdand be unethical to conduct further. Socialist government and unrestrained unsubstantiated allegations are engaged in efforts to mislead the public. BJP leader ego forgot the dignity of language and political courtesy. Sometimes the serpent – the serpent in the role of administrative officers tend to be sometimes violent nature of his open hostility to perform proclaimed. It is evident that the fascist character. It is undemocratic act.
A 0 Q 0 Socialist government is under development agenda. The overall growth in the state is on the fast road map.Unexpected ways to power the center intoxication of power has got to his head. They elected constitutional majority in that plot against the socialist government has Lgee. For this, they resort to violent agitation to disturb the atmosphere of the state is to create a storm.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav socialist government enjoys public confidence. BJP pervert the law and those who engaged in conspiracies to spread instability in the state, the public will respond to the precipice. BJP – R 0 S 0 S 0 and Hmsngi BSP and their motivations are inimical to the progress of all state everlasting peace, social harmony and goodwill hurt Phuॅchane is upset. The chaotic activities by the Socialist government of laws and strictly forbidden anywhere in the state BJP would not allow violence in the guise of movement. Evil intent of the peace-loving people of the state BJP is ready to retort.
(Rajendra Chaudhary)
state spokesman

ICT domain – “i-Bharat Conference”

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FICCI Invitation: i-Bharat “Capturing the Domestic ICT Potential – Unleashing the Next Wave” 1st Aug 2014, FICCI, New Delhi (FREE REGISTRATION)
To Me
Today at 11:49 AM
July 14, 2014
Dear Mr Sagar,
It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that FICCI, in partnership with the Department of Electronics & IT, Government of India, has undertaken an ambitious new initiative in the ICT domain - “i-Bharat Conference”. Through a series of annual conferences, i-Bharat will engage Industry, Government, Academia and other stakeholders of ICT, to deliberate upon transformation of key sectors in India through effectual implementation of ICT.
Given the importance of technology in nation building, we believe it is of utmost urgency to have a potent platform that fosters industry and Government dialogue and partnership aimed at enabling the realization of the India potential.
The first edition of i-Bharat, in its inaugural theme “Capturing the Domestic ICT Potential – Unleashing the Next Wave”, is being organized on 1st August 2014 at FICCI, New Delhi. The conference will delve into solutions and measures that can transform key sectors through effective technology implementation. In each session, outcome oriented action plans will be discussed to drive deployment and strengthen the public-private partnership, key to transformation.
We believe this is the right opportunity to present an action plan to the government and help enable the drafting of the right policies for successful implementation. i-Bharat 2014 will be one of the first large scale discussion platforms involving the new government.
A FICCI-Ernst Young report titled “i-Nagar”, containing recommendations to the new government on effective ICT implementation in transforming India’s cities, will also be released.
In view of importance of the event, we take great pleasure to invite you to attend the conference. The registration is free of cost and is on first come first serve basis (click here to download programme).
Since we have limited seating we request you to confirm your participation at the earliest. You may register yourself through the online form (Click here) or fill-up the attached registration form (click here to download) and e-mail it to us to reserve your seat.
In case of any query you may please contact my colleague Mr Sudhir Malik at phone: 91-11-23487217 (D), 23738760-70 Ext. 217/491/434 or E-Mail at:
Look forward to your confirmation.
With best regards,
Sarika Gulyani
Joint Director &
Head-IT & Telecom Division

Israeli air raids on Gaza continues


World powers are to meet over the spiraling violence as the Palestinian death toll from the Israeli air campaign hit 172 with another 1,230 people wounded,media reports said.

Exodus from their homes and fearing for their lives, about 17,000 people have taken shelter in installations of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, the agency said in a statement.
As the death toll rose, the Gaza-based Palestinian Centre for Human Rights said most of the victims were civilians, putting their number at more than 130, among them 35 children and 26 women.
It also said Israel had destroyed 147 homes and badly damaged hundreds of others.Media agencies

PRESS INVITATION: 9 a.m. Media Launch of UN Report

PRESS INVITATION: 9 a.m. Media Launch of UN Report assessing India and South Asia’s Progress on Development Goals – WEDNESDAY, 16 JULY 2014
UNIC India
Today at 10:07 AM
Press Invitation – For Media Persons only
United Nations Information Centre

cordially invites you to the

media launch
UN Secretary-General’s 2014 Report on

at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, 16 July 2014
(Early launch to avoid conflict with Parliament’s timings!)

VENUE: UN Conference Hall, 55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi-110 003

Dr. Najma Heptulla
Union Minister of Minority Affairs, Government of India

The Report will be presented to the press by
Dr. Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Ms. Lise Grande, UN Resident Coordinator
will reflect on MDG challenges and opportunities for India.

Mrs. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman,
Director, UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan
will chair the launch.

The Secretary-General’s MDG Report is an annual global report card on how countries and regions of the world have fared in delivering on the urgent and time-bound promises made in the Millennium Declaration that sought to reduce global poverty, hunger, illiteracy, infant and maternal mortality, and pledged to create strategies for better gender equality, a cleaner environment and health for all.

RSVP:; Phone: 46532242
Please carry a Press Photo ID with you to facilitate your entry into the UN Premises; 
You will have to trade the Photo ID at our security desk for the visitor’s pass; and follow standard security procedures.

Description: Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CA2C88.ADE04150
National Information Officer
United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan
55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi-110003, INDIA
Phone:  91-11-4653-2237
mobile:  98106-06833

UNIC is now on Facebook:
….and on Twitter: @UNICDELHI

Mario Gotze’s goal crowns World Cup 2014 title for Germany

Moments of Glory and happinesss
THE EXACT MOMENT ...  :) :D  when #Germany claimed a fourth #WorldCup crown in a 1-0 win against #Argentina

In the second-half of extra time Mario Gotze’s goal  seals  World Cup 2014 title for Germany in the final a dream fulfilled after twenty four years.

Goetze’s winning goal in extra time gave  Germany a 1-0 victory over Argentina on Sunday in a pitched battle  finish with tight and tense moments in World Cup final that came down to one piece of individual skill. Goetze taking the ball on his chest control lend a cross along his chest in the 113th minute unitary motion saw the ball rolling past goalkeeper Sergio Romero in goal post.
Germany on their fourth World Cup glorious title in their eighth final,  Argentina star Lionel Messi  walking in the shadow of his compatriot Diego Maradona, who led his country to the 1986 title.

Congratulations to Germany ,the winner of ‪#‎WorldCup2014‬
Congratulations to Germany ,the winner of #WorldCup2014

Morning Post 13 July

उदयन शर्मा की याद में हुआ ‘संवाद’, मी
To Me
Jul 13 at 7:01 PM
Sunday 13 July 2014
उदयन शर्मा की याद में हुआ ‘संवाद’, मीडिया की भूमिका पर निकले अलग-अलग सुर

नहीं रहे वरिष्ठ पत्रकार जहांगीर पोचा, PM मोदी ने भी जताया दुख

राज एक्सप्रेस में नया फरमान
भोपाल से प्रकाशित हिंदी दैनिक राज एक्सप्रेस के सीएमडी अरुण सहलोत ने फिर एक तुगलकी फरमान जारी किया है…

फेसबुक लोकप्रियता में दुनिया की इस शख्सियत से पीछे हैं नरेंद्र मोदी
लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले से ही सोशल मीडिया पर सक्रिय नरेंद्र मोदी की लोकप्रियता चुनाव जीतने के बाद और बढ़ा है…

आईब्रॉड 7 कम्युनिकेशन के फाउंडर और सीईओ रोहित उपाध्याय ने अपने करियर में इंडियन एक्सप्रेस, टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया जैसे संस्थानों में काम किया…
बजट से हर बार समाज और सरकार के तमाम वर्गों को कई तरह की उम्मीदें लगी रहती हैं। मीडिया इन उम्मीदों को अभिव्यक्ति भले ही देता रहा हो…
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Boletín de Noticias de Nueva Tribuna


La militancia socialista elige a Pedro Sánchez para pilotar la regeneración del PSOE

El diputado madrileño, que será proclamado secretario general en el Congreso Extraordianrio del 27 de julio, se ha comprometido a liderar una Ejecutiva “tan a la izquierda como la militancia de base” y que va a recuperar sus aspiraciones de gobierno, con un proyecto que “no caiga en el populismo ni en la demagogia”.

La Unión Europea, instrumento para la razón política

Por Francisco Pastor Pomares |  Hay que volver a una Europa más solidaria que evite los egoísmos de aquellos europeístas que sólo se fijan en la cotización del euro y en la globalidad de los mercados.

Dificultades en el desapalancamiento de las familias

Por Miguel Puente Ajovin | Las Balanzas Sectoriales nos permiten analizar el balance de los diferentes sectores (familias, empresas, instituciones financieras, administraciones públicas y sector exterior).

Salud mental en (la) crisis

Por Carmen Sánchez Bellido | La planificación de los servicios de salud mental en los próximos años, deberá adecuarse a un eventual aumento de la demanda.


Deficiencias e insuficiencias de la democracia española

Por Antonio Mora Plaza | Gran parte de las medidas tomadas por el PP suponen un golpe de Estado permanente, casi sin tregua, en todas las esferas del Estado de Derecho y de las libertades democráticas.

¿Soñar o tener visión?

Por Marlis González Torres | En los últimos tiempos se han producido acontecimientos políticos de envergadura…

El Plan Bolonia o cómo asesinar a la universidad pública

La semana pasada dejamos a Mariano Rajoy conversando con Luigi, Bowser y Mario sobre lo uno y lo trino, aunque según nos informan, últimamente ha cambiado de contertulios por agotamiento intelectual…


Por Joan Coscubiela | Detrás del TTIP hay una clara voluntad de crear una nueva área económica, en la que el capital global pueda moverse sin límites.

Aguirre chupa cámara
Aguirre quiere chupar
cámara, como antaño,
y apacienta su rebaño
con chascarrillos de bar
intentando así acabar
con quien la quita del foco
y la arrastra poco a poco
con su simpatía ful
a un retiro más azul
y acorde con su descoco.

Fernando Soto, para unir el tiempo

Por Luis María González | Metalúrgico sevillano, activista por la libertad, sindicalista imprescindible, comunista, socialista…

La insoportable espiral palestina

Por Rafael Simancas | Nos hemos acostumbrado a contemplar en los noticiarios el drama palestino-israelí como si se tratara de un fenómeno natural inevitable e interminable.

La masacre continúa en Gaza

Por Teresa Galeote | Desde el 1 de julio, los civiles palestinos suman más de 90 y los heridos superan los 600.

Vamos Argentina

Por Walter C. Medina | Momentáneamente soy testigo y parte de esa parva de alucinados seres que lloran, besan la camiseta de su selección…

Los relatos generacionales de Pedro Zarraluki

Por Emma Rodríguez | En “Te espero dentro” hay un momento en el uno de los protagonistas comprende que “podía ser fácil aburrirse”…

Unidad de salud mental

Capitán Lagarta | En la escena podemos ver lo que parece un pequeño y viejo consultorio médico


Un nuevo mundo impreso en 3D

La tecnología 3D reproduce objetos con volumen de forma similar a como hacemos con textos o imágenes en nuestras impresoras caseras.

Desde queremos, nuevamente, solicitar tu apoyo económico para este modelo de periodismo libre, comprometido con la transformación social, riguroso, abierto y plural.


¿Cuál será el futuro de Libia?

El interior del país carece de aguas superficiales, siendo su territorio totalmente seco. Sin embargo, su subsuelo tienes unas reservas enormes de aguas fósiles con una superficie del tamaño de Alemania.


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