Chronic Hunger Falling,But One in Nine People Still Affected
New Worldwatch Institute analysis examines
global trends and progress in battling chronic hunger
Undernourishment is defined as an inability to take in enough calories over at least one year to meet dietary energy requirements. It can lead to undernutrition, a broader term that describes a condition caused by a deficient or imbalanced diet or by poor absorption and biological use of nutrients within the body. Undernutrition can in turn lead to impaired physical functions and has high social and economic impacts. The combined cost of undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies is equivalent to US$1.4-2.1 trillion per year, or 2-3 percent of gross world product.
Women and children are particularly vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies because of biological factors (such as pregnancy or rapid growth) and social inequities.Women's low educational levels, unequal social status, and limited decision-making power can influence both their own nutritional status and that of their children. Globally, undernutrition contributes to more than one third of child deaths.
Climate change presents an unprecedented challenge to nourishment through associated disruptions in supply chains, increases in market prices, decreases in assets and livelihood opportunities, reduced purchasing power, and threats to human health. The market sensitivity to climate change was highlighted recently by several periods of rapid increases in food prices following climate extremes-such as heat waves, droughts, floods, cyclones, and wildfires-in key producing regions. Food insecurity and the breakdown of food systems due to climate change disproportionately affect poorer populations.
Because poverty is the main determinant of hunger, access to food is determined by incomes, food prices, and the ability to get social support. Food prices have fluctuated greatly, although they generally have been rising since the late 1990s.
Food aid programs peaked in 2000-01. The 1999 Food Aid Convention (FAC), a multilateral donor cooperation treaty that aimed to contribute to world food security, saw a drastic drop in annual food aid shipments from 10.5 million wheat ton equivalents in 2000-01 to 5.7 million wheat ton equivalents in 2011-12. The Food Assistance Convention, which replaced the expired FAC in 2013, includes not only commodities (such as food and seeds) but also cash-based assistance. The impacts of the Food Assistance Convention remain to be seen.
The hunger target of the UN's Millennium Development Goal 1c (MDG-1c)-to halve the proportion of the population in developing countries who are hungry from the 1990 base year to the 2015 target year-is within reach. The prevalence of chronic hunger has fallen from 18.7 percent in 1990-92 to 11.3 percent in 2012-14, less than 2 percent above the MDG-1c target. The world is not on track to reach the more ambitious 1996 World Food Summit target, which aimed to reduce the actual number of hungry people to 412 million by 2015 (from a 1996 baseline of 824 million).
The fundamental human right to food, which is codified by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, must be protected through social, economic, and political policies on food and health. Through investments, sound policymaking, strong legal frameworks, stakeholder involvement, and evidence-based decision making, the food security and nutrition environment can be improved to eradicate hunger worldwide.
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