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“Cleanliness/Civic Sense i…” in Swachh Bharat

Ministry Of Urban Development
Today at 3:23 PM

Ministry Of Urban Development (Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan)
Ministry Of Urban Development (Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan) shared a new resource in “Swachh Bharat”.
Subject: Cleanliness/Civic Sense in Public Markets – Key Issues.
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Charla-proyección: “Tormenta de luz – Todos los desiertos son mi desierto”

Talk-Projection: “Storm of Light – All the deserts are my desert”
27/10/2014Sala de conferencias a las 6:30 p.m.

Charla-proyección: “Tormenta de luz – Todos los desiertos son mi desierto” por Alfredo de Stéfano.
Sinopsis: “Tormenta de Luz – Todos los desiertos son mi desierto” es un proyecto fotográfico, documental y editorial en el que Alfredo De Stéfano ha estado trabajando desde 2008. El objetivo principal es interponer y fotografíar una selección de diferentes desiertos del mundo, incluyendo el desierto de Thar en Rajasthan, India, que estará fotografíando en octubre de 2014. Del mismo modo una película documental será grabada durante sus viajes, permitiendo entender el proceso creativo seguido por el artista a través del mundo, así como los obstáculos y dificultades encontrados para alcanzar las regiones más lejanas del mundo, aspectos que son imperceptibles cuando admiramos las prístinas imágenes de De Stéfano. El ojo artístico de De Stéfano y su creatividad explorarán nuevas imágenes de los lugares en los que está interviniendo. La hermosa mente de un artísta es capaz de transformar y comunicar valores esenciales que yacen en la simple superficie del desierto. A lo largo de las fotografías de esos paisajes, Alfredo expresa una particular manera de entender la evolución de nuestro planeta y nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestro lugar en el mundo, sobre la muerte y el vacío y muchas otras cuestiones fundamentales sobre nuestra existencia y nuestra relación con nuestro entorno, así como a meditar sobre la belleza que rodea incluso a los territorios más áridos. Esta charla está programada después de que Alfredo de Stéfano capture el desierto de Thar. El artista compartirá experiencias de su viaje y otras capturas que ha hecho a lo largo del mundo. (+)
Talk-projection: “Storm of Light – All the deserts are my desert” by Alfredo de Stéfano.Synopsis: “Storm of Light – All the deserts are my desert” is a photographic, documentary and editorial project in which Alfredo De Stéfano has been working since 2008. The main objective is to intervene and photograph a selection of different deserts in the world, including the Tahar desert in Rajasthan, India, which he will be photographing in October 2014. Also, a film documentary will be shot during the trips, allowing to understand the creative process followed by the artist throughout the world, as well as the obstacles and difficulties encountered to reach the furthest regions of the world, things which are imperceptible when we admire the pristine images of De Stefano. De Stefano’s artistic eye and creativity will explore new images of the places he is intervening. The beautiful mind of an artist is able to transform and communicate essential values lying beneath the simple surface of the desert. Through the photographs of these landscapes, Alfredo expresses a particular way of understanding our planet’s evolution and allows us to think about our place in the world, about death and emptiness and many other fundamental questions of our existence and our relationship with our environment as well as to meditate on the beauty that surrounds us even in barren territories. This talk is scheduled after Alfredo de Stefano’s shoot in the Tahar desert. The artist will share the experiences of this trip and other shoots he has done around the world. (+)
Free Entry.
26/10/2014Auditorio, Instituto Cervantes, a las 4:30 p.m.
García Márquez en el cine: “Milagro en Roma” 
Sinopsis: La hija de Margarito Duarte, modesto empleado judicial de una pequeña población colombiana, muere de repente a la edad de 7 años. 12 años después, al exhumar el cuerpo, los restos de la niña continúan intactos. Margarito Duarte con la ayuda del pueblo inicia un proceso para llegar a Roma y pedirle al Papa la santificación de su hija. (+)
Ver trailer.
García Márquez & the Cinema: “Miracle in Rome”Synopsis: The daughter of a humble public official dies unexpectedly. Twelve years later, when she is exhumed, the father discovers her body is intact. With money collected in the town, the father travels to Rome with his daughter’s body, so the Pope can decide whether she is the first Colombian saint or not. (+)
In Spanish with English subtitles. Free Entry.
Kamani Auditorium, International Dance & Music Festival (ICCR)
a las 6:30 pm
Danza: “Soul Pait” por Dani Panullo Dance Theatre Co.
Sinopsis: Cual moderno explorador Dani Pannullo se sitúa ahora en Trivandrum la capital del estado de Kerala al sur de India. Apasionado durante años por una forma de lucha ancestral nacida en esta zona del país, el Kalaripayatu, conocida por los expertos como “la madre de todas las artes marciales”. La practica natural de la compañía dirigida por Pannullo es difundir y estudiar las diferentes tradiciones dancísticas universales que son el eje y raíz de sus espectáculos. El lenguaje base de este director ha sido siempre la danza urbana contemporánea, razón por la cual al ser una forma de baile nacida en las urbes e influenciada desde sus comienzos por la artes marciales nos lleva directamente a India y no a China o Japón como otros podrían suponer. La experiencia artística y la vivencia, tanto para los bailarines españoles que se trasladaran a Kerala, como para los jóvenes indios practicantes de esta disciplina, fomentará unos lazos que, según la firme convicción de este director, serán fructíferos para las futuras relaciones culturales entre ambos países. (+)
Dance Performance: “Soul Pait” by Dani Panullo Dance Theatre Co.Synopsis: The modern adventurer Dani Pannullo travelled in 2013 to Trivandrum, the capital of state of Kerala in southern India. For years he has been fascinated by the age-old regional fight form Kalaripayattu, known to experts as the mother of all martial arts. Common practice for the company run by Pannullo in Madrid (Spain) is to study carefully the different dance forms at the root of their performances. The preferred language of this director has always been urban contemporary dance. Although this style of dance came into being in the metropolitan areas, it has been influenced by martial arts since its very beginning. Therefore, Pannullo’s search for inspiration has taken him in this occasion to India, and not China or Japan, as could otherwise have been presumed. The experience of the Spanish dancers living in Kerala and working together with the young Indian Kalaripayattu fighters would, according to the firm conviction of this director, inevitably strengthen cultural ties between both countries and stimulate further artistic creations in the future.(+)
Free entry
11/11/2014Instituto Cervantes
V Aniversario del Instituto Cervantes de Nueva Delhi5th Anniversary of Instituto
Cervantes in New Delhi

11/2014Instituto Cervantes
Centenario de Nicanor ParraNicanor Parra’s 100th anniversary
23/11/2014World Percussion Festival
Oreka tx
Oreka tx
Río de Janeiro: Ciclo de cine peruano (+)

Rio de Janeiro: Peruvian Film Series(+)
Roma: La muerte tiene permiso. (+)

Rome: Death has permission
INSTITUTO CERVANTES DE NUEVA DELHI  |© Instituto Cervantes, 2013. Reservados todos los derechos
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Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) ‘Samudra Paheredar’, the indigenously built second Pollution Control Vessel (PCV) undertook the overseas deployment of 45 days to East Asian countries of Singapore, Philippines, Japan & Vietnam as part of international cooperation through exchange of information and bilateral exercises.

The Japan visit of ship coincided with the 10th Heads of Asian Coast Guard Meeting conducted at Yokohama, Japan from 30 Sep- 01 Oct 14. The joint exercise with Japan Coast Guard (JCG) was witnessed by Heads of Coast Guard and delegates of 18 countries which participated in 10th Heads of Asian Coast Guard Meeting(HACGAM) held at Yokohama, Japan from 29 Sep – 01 Oct 14. The joint exercise and partnership with JCG was highly appreciated by all the dignitaries and generated the interest among the Coast Guards of the Region to develop strategic partnership with India. The joint exercise further cemented the bilateral relationship with Japan Coast Guard.

In Singapore, the visit was utilised to bolster the outreach programme of the High Commission of India Singapore wherein first time the Indian nationals working in Singapore were hosted on board an Indian Coast Guard ship. The five days visit at Manila involved various activities as part of interactions to strengthen sustainable relationship through Anti-Piracy and Information Sharing Exercises. The ship’s visits to Vietnam aimed at enhancing co-operation, understanding and mutual trust between the Coast Guard of Vietnam and India as well as sharing of experience in marine law enforcement.

The ship with her impressive pollution response capabilities left a bold signature during the visits as she is equipped with the most advanced and sophisticated pollution response and control equipment for mitigating oil spills, which include containment equipment like hi-sprint booms and river booms, recovery devices like skimmers and side sweeping arms. The ship is capable of unhindered oil recovery operations with storage tank capacity of 500 KL in addition to inflatable barges. The ship has complement of 10 officers and 91 sailors, and is being commanded by Deputy Inspector General Sanatan Jena.

During the long overseas deployment the ship battled out two severe typhoons named “Phanfone” and “Vongfong” of 2014 in the South China Sea.

Russia-China trade hits record $59bn in first half of 2014

RT shared a link.
Russia’s recent trade figures show strengthening ties eastwards, not westwards. Trade with the 28-nation European Union declined 3.2 percent from the same…

Monica Lewinsky says she endured years of ridicule

RT shared a link.
Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky says she endured years of ridicule over a high-profile affair with the president of the United States, and now wants…

Indian College Basketball League_Hyderabad_Day 2


From: Gautam Sheth <> Mon, 20 Oct ’14 7:16p
To: Gautam Sheth <>
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Mixed day for VNR EC

  • Boys team registers a win while the girls lose on Day Two of the Indian College Basketball League in Hyderabad

Hyderabad, October 20, 2014: Teams from VNR EC had a mixed day on Day Two of the Premier League of Indian College Basketball League (ICBL) organized by Basketball Federation of India (BFI) in collaboration with IMG-Reliance (IMG-R) in Hyderabad on Monday. Boys’ teams from VNR EC registered emphatic win against Mallareddy EC while girls lost to Narayanamma.

The day’s proceedings in the City of Pearls began simultaneously at two venues; i.e. St. Martin’s College and VNR EC. Boys of St. Martins EC, with the help of their lead scorer Vishal (10 points), registered an easy win against CVSR EC 38-17. At VNR EC, AV College beat JNTU, Hyderabad 28-20.

In the second match at St. Martin’s, boys’ side of Muffakham Jha College beat MVSR EC in a high-scoring match. Muffakham Jha’s KM Omer did the bulk of scoring with 18 points as his side beat MVSR EC 45-39. Meanwhile at VNR EC, Mallareddy EC lost a close game to the home side. The boys from the home team led by Vinil’s 18 points beat Mallareddy’s boys 33-30.

In the girls category, MVSR EC lost to CVSR EC 19-14 & St. Francis beat Villa Marie DC 19-11 in the matches played at St. Martin’s College. At VNR EC,  hosts'; girls team could not make the most of home conditions as they lost to Narayanamma 27-22. JNTU, Hyderabad beat St. Ann’s DC 29-17 in the last match at VNR EC.

Next round of matches in Hyderabad will begin from October 25, 2014.

Premier League Results: At St. Martin’s
Boys: St. Martins EC (Vishal 10) beat CVSR EC (Hemant Kumar 6) 38-17; Muffakham Jha (KM Umar 18) beat MVSR EC (Joshua 10) 45-39
Girls: CVSR EC (Swathi 6) lost to MVSR EC (G Sneha 11) 14-19; St. Francis DC (Saachi 6) beat Villa Marie DC (Ambika 4) 19-11

Boys: AV College (A Kiran Kumar 9) beat JNTU (Bhavan 7), Hyderabad 28-20; Mallareddy EC (Asif 10) lost to VNR (Vinil 18) EC 30-33
Girls: Narayanamma (Alekhya 9) beat VNR EC (Aleya Chowdary 17) 27-22; JNTU, Hyderabad (Sowjanya 9) beat St Ann’s DC (Nikita Goud 7) 29-17

October 25 Fixtures
Boys: AV College vs Mallareddy EC; Loyola Academy vs MVSR EC
Girls: JNTU, Hyderabad vs St. Francis DC; CVSR EC vs Narayanamma IT

At St. Martin’s
Boys: Bhavans VC vs AV College; St. Martin’s vs Muffakham Jha
Girls: St. Martin’s EC vs VNR EC; Loyola Academy vs Villa Marie
About the Basketball Federation of India
The Basketball Federation of India or BFI is the governing and controlling body of basketball in India, and is responsible for the development and promotion of the sport at all levels. BFI has been involved in conducting camps, clinics, events, and training sessions at its academies for the development of basketball. BFI came into being in 1935 and took complete control over Indian basketball in 1950. Prior to that time, the Indian Olympic Association handled the conduct of Indian basketball championships. Since 1950, the BFI has been conducting various such championships, from the grassroots to senior team participation in international tournaments. In addition, the BFI has been responsible for the establishment of strong sub-junior and junior level programs. The BFI has to its credit produced several international players of repute, among them 17 have been bestowed with the honor of Arjuna Award. More information at

About IMG Reliance
IMG Reliance Pvt Ltd., is an equal joint venture between Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest and most recognized private sector company, and IMG Worldwide (IMG), the world’s leading sports marketing and management company. The joint venture company will develop market and manage sports and entertainment in India. Its current assets include India’s premier fashion event, Lakmé Fashion Week and South Asia’s only ATP World Tour event, the Aircel Chennai Open. IMG Reliance has entered agreements with the Basketball Federation of India (BFI) to create a new professional basketball league and manage all aspects of the commercial rights to the game in India and the All India Football Federation (AIFF), to improve, popularize and promote the game of football throughout India, from the grassroots to the professional level. IMG Reliance has also created a scholarship program to identify and train talented young Indians from sports including – basketball, soccer and tennis at IMG’s world-class sports training facilities at IMG Academies in Bradenton, Florida.

For further information, please contact our team-
Gautam Sheth – +91 – 9869233393 (Mumbai)
Anu Sharma – +91 – 9999069511 (Delhi)
Ankit Rana – +91– 9717444620 (Delhi)

Talk by UChicago Alumnus Dr. Kapur on Security in South Asia, 28th October

From: “UChicago Center in Delhi” <> Mon, 20 Oct ’14 6:19p
To: You
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Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. S. Paul Kapur is a professor in the Department of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School. Previously, he was on the faculties of the Naval War College and Claremont McKenna College, and was a visiting professor at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation.
He also served as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago, where he received his Ph.D. in political science. His research and teaching interests include nuclear weapons proliferation, deterrence, ethno-religious violence, and the international security environment in South Asia. Kapur is author of Dangerous Deterrent: Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Conflict in South Asia (Stanford University Press, 2007); and, with Sumit Ganguly, India, Pakistan, and the Bomb: Debating Nuclear Stability in South Asia (Columbia University Press, 2010). His work has also appeared in journals such as International Security, Security Studies, Asian Survey, Nonproliferation Review, Washington Quarterly, and Asian Security, as well as in numerous


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